Everyone wants clear skin that is blemish free, and just as food affects everything else in your body, what you eat will also affect your skin. Stress, and environmental factors will also damage the skin, and we are all guilty of neglecting ours once in a while. Give yourself a healthy and flawless skin with these foods.

Try to get roughly two tablespoons of olive oil a day as it contains Vitamin E which helps to keep skin moisturised and supple. Olive oil is also known to help improve the circulation which will make sure that you have a healthy rosy glow.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in salmon and oily fish, help to keep the skin moisturised and reduces inflammation by blocking harmful irritants. The body can’t make these essential fatty acids, so it is important that you get it from your diet and should be roughly 15 per cent of your calorie intake. Try walnuts if you aren’t a fan of fish as they also contain high levels of omega-3.
Vitamin C is important as it is needed for the production of collagen which keeps the elasticity in our skin and declines as we get older causing wrinkles. Vitamin C in the body is depleted by smoking, stress and being in the sun so stock up on oranges, kiwis, papaya, potatoes and broccoli.
Zinc is also needed for healthy skin. It helps with healing, helps to produce collagen and a lack of zinc in the body can leads to stretch marks. Zinc also helps to regulate the hormones and prevents imbalances which can lead to outbreaks. While zinc can be found in many foods, there are a lot of things that prevent it from absorbing properly. The best source of zinc is from oysters followed by wheat germ.
You probably thought your mother was punishing you when she insisted you eat all your greens as a child. However, leafy greens not only contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, but they also contain folate which helps to repair damaged DNA. By doing this, it can reduce the likelihood of cancer-cell growth and skin tumours.
Water is needed for every process in the body and is also invaluable to the skin. It will help to keep it hydrated. Even being slightly dehydrated can affect your skin, so make sure you get your eight glasses a day to keep you looking radiant.
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