Friday, 27 May 2011

Foods That Weaken Your Bones

When it comes to thinking about how food affects our health we usually think of weight gain and fatty foods that affect our heart and arteries, among other things. We generally don’t assume that what we eat will affect our bones. However, there are foods that will weaken your bones, prevent proper mineral assimilation to keep them strong and therefore increase the risk of osteoporosis, which women are already at a risk of developing. Read on to find out which foods to avoid so that you keep your bones healthy.

Salt can do a lot of damage to bones as it drains the calcium from then which makes them weaker over time. Most post menopausal women, with a diet that is high in salt lose more minerals from their bones than other women the same age.

Soft drinks and soda drinks contain an ingredient called phosphoric acid, which actually increases the amount of calcium that is expelled from the body in urine.  Increase you intake of milk which contains calcium and cut out soft drinks.
Most fatty foods contain hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as margarine. However, when these are solidified they create trans fats, which are bad for the heart, and destroys the vitamin K which your bones need to stay strong and healthy.

Caffeine’s effect on the bones is similar to that of salt, but not to the same high extent. However, every cup of coffee you have depletes your levels of calcium. Although tea also contains caffeine it is believed to help the bone density in older women.

Alcohol blocks the calcium that you have eaten throughout the day from being absorbed. Drinking alcohol prevents the bones from being kept strong and meddles with the remodelling process of the bones by not allowing the bone building cells from doing their job.

Although soy products are full of protein which help to build the bones and keep them strong, they also contain a compound which is plant based which prevents the proper absorption of calcium. These plant compounds are known as oxalates and they combine together with the calcium, stopping it from being available to the body.

The Benefits Of Wheat Grass

Now bear with us because while you may think it’s a little odd to consider consuming grass, wheat grass has so many health benefits and isactually verygood for you, it is hard to know where to start. It has been called one of the healthiest things for you and contains extremely high levels of vitamins and nutrition which can only be beneficial to us. Available in the form of grass, powder or as a juice, we give you the reasons as to why adding this to your diet will give you plenty of health benefits which may be why many Juice bars sell it in the form of a shot.

It’s good for your blood

Wheat grass helps to increase the bloods ability to carry oxygen. It contains chlorophyll which the body can change into haemoglobin as the molecules are very similar an essential in carrying oxygen around the body. More oxygen means that the organs can function better.

It’s good for your immune system

The chlorophyll also helps to boost the immune system by detoxifying the blood and can help stop harmful bacteria from developing in the body. Its high vitamin and mineral content also help to boost the immune system so that the body is stronger at fighting illness.

It’s good for your digestive system

Certain enzymes which can be found in wheatgrass are greatly beneficial to the digestive system. They help to break down fats and aid the breakdown and assimilation of foodstuffs, therefore preventing diarrhea, constipation and other intestinal problems.

It helps to boost energy

When more oxygen is delivered to the organs, especially the brain and the heart, it increases the body’s energy levels. It helps to balance the PH levels in the body by reducing acidity which is also good for improving a person’s energy levels.

It helps to prevent cell damage

The multiple vitamins and the antioxidants that wheat grass contains help to fight against damage done to the body’s cells by getting rid of free radicals and toxins which are harmful to us. It also contains loads of amino acids that make up proteins which are vital in renewing damaged cells and for their growth.

Wheatgrass verses vegetables

When we mentioned that wheat grass packs a nutritional punch; we weren’t kidding. A small 30ml juice shot, which can be bought from most juice bars, provides similar nutrition, vitamins and goodness as a bowl of green vegetables. The only thing you won’t be getting is bulk and fibrous roughage which eating fruits and vegetables give you.

Foods For Healty Skin

Everyone wants clear skin that is blemish free, and just as food affects everything else in your body, what you eat will also affect your skin. Stress, and environmental factors will also damage the skin, and we are all guilty of neglecting ours once in a while. Give yourself a healthy and flawless skin with these foods.

Studies have found that red coloured fruit may be able to reduce or prevent the wrinkles that are caused by UV rays. Ellagic, an antioxidant found in these fruits, is thought to block an enzyme which the body releases when the cells are damaged that breaks down the collagen in the skin, leading to wrinkles. Similarly, tomatoes contain lycopene which also protects the skin from these rays.

Try to get roughly two tablespoons of olive oil a day as it contains Vitamin E which helps to keep skin moisturised and supple. Olive oil is also known to help improve the circulation which will make sure that you have a healthy rosy glow.

Snack on some carrots for a vitamin A boost as they contain plenty of carotenoids, which give the carrots their colour. According to the National Cancer Institute, these carotenoids can significantly reduce your risk of skin cancer. Vitamin A also prevents the overproduction of skin cells on the top outer layer meaning fewer blocked pores. Vitamin A is also found in dairy products.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in salmon and oily fish, help to keep the skin moisturised and reduces inflammation by blocking harmful irritants. The body can’t make these essential fatty acids, so it is important that you get it from your diet and should be roughly 15 per cent of your calorie intake. Try walnuts if you aren’t a fan of fish as they also contain high levels of omega-3.

Vitamin C is important as it is needed for the production of collagen which keeps the elasticity in our skin and declines as we get older causing wrinkles. Vitamin C in the body is depleted by smoking, stress and being in the sun so stock up on oranges, kiwis, papaya, potatoes and broccoli.

Zinc is also needed for healthy skin. It helps with healing, helps to produce collagen and a lack of zinc in the body can leads to stretch marks. Zinc also helps to regulate the hormones and prevents imbalances which can lead to outbreaks. While zinc can be found in many foods, there are a lot of things that prevent it from absorbing properly. The best source of zinc is from oysters followed by wheat germ.

You probably thought your mother was punishing you when she insisted you eat all your greens as a child. However, leafy greens not only contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, but they also contain folate which helps to repair damaged DNA. By doing this, it can reduce the likelihood of cancer-cell growth and skin tumours.

Water is needed for every process in the body and is also invaluable to the skin. It will help to keep it hydrated. Even being slightly dehydrated can affect your skin, so make sure you get your eight glasses a day to keep you looking radiant.


Dark coloured fruits and vegetables have great health benefits, but the small little red berries, otherwise known as cranberries, have a couple of unique qualities and benefits to them. They are a powerfully rich source of antioxidants and don’t get enough recognition. Recent studies have revealed some surprising things about these little fruits, so here are the reasons why you should add cranberries to your diet

Cranberries are most commonly known for their ability to prevent or sooth the symptoms of urinary tract infections. They are able to do this due to the proanthocyanidins found in them which prevent harmful bacteria from clinging to the urinary tract wall.

Similarly, they are also able to prevent bacteria from attacking and thereby infecting the stomach and mouth. This skill that they have prevents us from getting stomach ulcers and cavities in our teeth.

The antioxidant they contain known as tannins, helps to reduce inflammation and the bad cholesterol we may have and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis which is when they artery walls harden. In other words they are great for our heart.

The antioxidant lycopene found in red foods help to protect and repair the damage done to the cells in the body due to oxidation. By protecting the DNA inside the white blood cells which are vital in helping us fight disease and infections.

A lot of research has been done on cranberries and cancer and early research from the University of Western Ontario found that by increasing the amount of cranberries eaten can prevent the development of breast cancer cells.

Cranberries are also beneficial when it comes to weight loss as enzymes found in them have been found to increase the metabolism. They contain a certain acid which actually dissolves fat deposits.

Cranberries contain plentiful amounts of an acid called quinic which helps to prevent these stones from developing in the body. The juice ‘Ocean Spray’ made from cranberries has in fact partnered up with the US National Kidney Foundation to promote kidney health.

Cranberries are also more frequently being used in spa treatments and as an ingredient in certain creams and lotions. The antioxidants and other components help to improve the skins quality and have cleansing qualities.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Jangan Abaikan Vitamin D

Tahukah anda, kekurangan vitamin D di dalam diet boleh menyebabkan gangguan terhadap aktiviti pernafasan, melemahkan fungsi paru-paru dan juga kawalan asma. Antara sebab yang menyebabkan berlakunya pengurangan terhadap vitamin ini ialah obesiti dan juga menetap di negara Barat. Vitamin D juga digelar 'the sunshine vitamin' kerana tubuh kita akan menghasilkan Vitamin D setiapkali ia disimbah cahaya matahari. Makanan termasuklah ikan, telur dan produk tenusu adalah sumber vitamin ini.

Kurangi Risiko Penyakit Kronik Dengan Kurma

Buah kurma mengurangkan risiko diserang penyakit kronik seperti penyakit jantung dan kencing manis kerana kandungan zat galiannya seperti potasium, kalsium dan zat besi yang boleh menyihatkan sel darah merah. Ia juga boleh dikategorikan sebagai sumber tenaga kerana mengandungi glukosa yang merupakan unsur gula dalam darah. Kurma merangsang kesihatan wanita yang hamil dan anak yang dikandung, memudahkan wanita bersalin dan memberi tenaga tambahan. Membantu proses tumbesaran kanak-kanak dan membantu membentuk minda yang sihat. Kesimpulannya, kurma amat penting bagi pertumbuhan dan peningkatan kesihatan.

Kuaci Kurangkan Kolesterol

Kuaci mempunyai kandungan zat besi. Pola pemakanan yang rendah dengan zat besi boleh menaikkan kadar kolesterol lemak jahat sekaligus menghadkan kolesterol lemak baik. Mulakan pengambilan kuaci jenis tawar seperti dari jenis labu atau bunga matahari untuk menambah zat besi serta mengurangkan kolesterol.

Epal Cegah Lemak Dalam Badan

Memakan sebiji epel atau meninum jusnya setiap hari cukup untuk membekalkan khasiat bagi mengurangkan kandungan kolesterol dalam badan.

Kanak-kanak yang memakan makanan segera dan kemudian memakan sebiji epal atau meminum jusnya, sebenarnya menyimbangkan kandungan zat dan mencegah berlaku lemak dalam badan.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Ramuan Istimewa - Nikmati Resipi Bahagia Setiap Hari

Dalam kehidupan harian, makanan yg berasaskan bahan yg segar bukanlah penentu utk seseorang itu sihat. Ini kerana, kebahagiaan seseorang juga memerlukan ramuan yg tepat dalam menikmati setiap detik yg berlalu. Bahan apakah yg diperlukan utk mewujudkan suasana yg bahagia?

Pernahkah anda sedar bahawa kadang2 anda menghadapi kehidupan yg rumit, walaupun anda ingin menjalani cara hidup yg sederhana. Cubalah tanya pada diri sendiri ketika anda ingin membuat keputusan dan fikirkan apa yg akan terjadi dalam tempoh 3-6 bulan akan datang. Jika keadaan ini membuatkan anda dilema, lebih baik anda mengubah keputusan menjadi sesuatu yg sederhana.

Sedar atau tidak, berapa banyak masa yg telah anda habiskan hanya kerana bimbangkan sesuatu yg belum terjadi. Untuk elakkan masa berlalu begitu sahaja, cubalah utk menikmati detik indah sepenuhnya dalam setiap aktiviti dan tindakan yg dilakukan. Segala yg terjadi pada saat itu adalah sesuatu yg nyata dan nikmatilah dengan sempurna.

'Sabar separuh dari iman'. Ramai di antara kita tidak sabar dalam melakukan sesuatu. Jika kesabaran itu memberi tenaga positif, kenapa perlu anda menolak dalam rutin hariaan anda. Jika bersabar, anda akan berfikir dgn lebih tenang dan segala masalah boleh diselesaikan dgn baik. Bukankah ini memberi jalan keluar yg menguntungkansemua pihak.

Sekunyum senyum di wajah dapat mengembangkan tenaga positif dalam diri dan orang2 yg akan anda jumpa. Ini kerana senyuman boleh membuatkan wajah anda sentiasa awet muda, ceria, menyenangkan dan orang di sekeliling selesa bersama anda.

Percaya atau tidak, ramai  dikalangan kita tidak boleh menerima kritikan dengan baik, lebih2 lagi kritikan yg menjatuhkan. Sedangkan setiap orang berhak utk memperbaiki sesalahan yg dilakukan dan menjadi motivasi utk diri. Ingatlah, kritikan positif baik utk memberi semangat dan pengajaran kepada orang di sekeliling bukannya menjatuhkan mental.

Jika anda ingin bahagia setiap saat, berhentilah berfikir bahawa apa yg dimiliki orang lain lebih baik daripada apa yg anda miliki. Jika masih tidak berpuas hati dengan apa yg dilakukan, ubah strategi dan keadaan dgn usaha sendiri. Daripada anda menghabiskan masa dgn mengira apa yg orang lain miliki, lebih baik anda lakukan strategi baru utk kepuasan diri anda.

Warna Dan Kuasa Terapi

MERAH - Memberi kesan dinamik sensual dan mewah. Menyerap tenaga, kehangatan, aktif, optimis, berani serta bersemangat. Merah dipercayai berupaya meningkatkan aliran darah dalam tubuh.

MERAH JAMBU - Mampu membuatkan si pemakai berasa lebih muda, ceria dan romantik. Membentuk simbol cinta dan kasih sayang kerana warna ini lembut dan menenangkan.

KUNING - Juga menghangatkan suasana, bercahaya dan ceria. Membangkitkan tenaga, emosi dan kekuatan.

JINGGA - Memberi impak bertenaga, cerdas, mesra dan kreatif. Ia memberi aura positif, senang, gembira dan yakin, penuh bertenaga, mampu mengurangkan depresi atau tekanan. Namun, jika warna ini dipakai berlebihan, ia akan merangsang sifat hiper aktif.

BIRU- Memberi kesan harmoni, kebenaran, tenang dan dingin, rasa tenteram, hening dan nyaman.

HIJAU - Menimbulkan kesan semulajadi, segar, mewujudkan keseimbangan emosi atau kejiwaan.

UNGGU - Menjadi lambang kerohanian dan mistik. Juga bersifat antik, femini dan anggun.

Tepati Ruti Penjagaan Kulit

Penampilan yg sihat dan cantik bermula dengan rutin menjagaan kilit yg tepat. Utk itu, sebelum memilih utk melakukan apa juga rawatan kecantikan yg mungkin memerlukan kos yg tinggi, pertimbangkanlah semula rutin penjagaan kulit asas anda. Mana tahu ia lebih berbaloi!

1 - Pakar bersetuju bahawa tidak kira apa jenis kulit anda, kunci utamanya adalah membersih dengan sempurna.

* Elakkan penggunaan air panas tetapi gunakanlah air suam. Tujuannya adalah unyuk mengelakkan kulit menjadi terlalu kering.

* Mencuci wajah menggunakan kain adalah terlalu kasar untuk kulit. Jadi, gunakanlah tangan dan jari anda.

2 - Lebih daripada 50% wanita mengaku mempunyai kulit sensitif iaitu mengalami keradangan kulit, selain kulit kering, tegang dan mengelupas.

* Pastikan anda memakai krim pelembab dengan kerap.

* Elakkan pembersih wajah dengan kandungan seperti haruman, bahan pewarna dan mengawet kerana kulit sensitif mudah rosak dan mengambil masa yg lama utk pulih.

3 - Sekiranya kulit anda kering dan mudah mengalami keradangan, elakkan membersih wajah lebih daripada sekali sehari. Kulit anda mungkin berisiko kehilangan minyak semulajadi kulit.

* Pilihlah pembersih wajah yg bebas radang dan tiada kandungan sabun.

* Gunakan krim pelembab wajah yg ringan, bebas minyak dan bersasakan air utk membantu mengekalkan perlindungan semulajadi kulit.

* Pastikan anda memilih krim pelembab dengan kandunagn SPF yg tinggi (sekurang2nya SPF 15) utk melindungi kulit daripada sinaran UVA dan UVB.

4 - Bersenam mampu membuka saluran2 darah menjadikan kulit kekal sihat dan muda.

* Senaman kardiovaskular boleh meningkatkan peredaran darah pada kulit utk membantu penghasilan kolegen.

* Memelihara jisim otot melalui senaman juga membantu menyokong kulit agar kekal tegang.

* Amalkan meminum sekurang2nya lapan gelas air sehari utk memberikan hidrasi yg optima.

Kenali Makanan Untuk Tulang

Barangkali anda sudah sedia maklum akan pentingnya mengamalkan pemakanan yang sihat untuk tubuh. Namun, secara spesifiknya, apakah anda tahu makanan yang tepay untuk kesihatan tulang?

1. KALSIUM - Ia merupakan mineral utama untuk pembentukan tulang. Jika anda kekurangan kalsium, tubuh akan mengambilnya daripada tulang dan inilah yang akan mengakibatkan masalah tulang rapuh. Kuantiti kalsium yang diperlukan sehari adalah antara 1,000 mg hingga 1,200 mg.

2. VITAMIN C - Vitamin ini bertindak membantu pembentukan tulang rawan, seterusnya membentuk jaringan sendi yang sihat. Untuk mendapatkan manfaat yang maksima, ambillah 1,000 mg Vitamin C setiap hari.

3. VITAMIN D - Ia penting dalam membantu tulang menyerap kalsium daripada makanan sehingga 2.5 kali ganda. Kuantiti yang disarankan sehari adalah 200 IU hingga 400 IU.

4. VITAMIN B12 - Kekurangan vitamin ini boleh menyebabkan tulang menjadi lemah. Pastikan anda mengambil multivitamin yang mengandungi vitamin B12 sabanyak 2.4 mkg untuk mendapatkan tulang yang kuat.

5. ZAT BESI - Ia membantu menyalurkan oksigen ke sel-sel darah yang diperlukan oleh anti oksidan bagi mengatasi kerosakan pada sendi.

6. PROTEIN - Bukan sekadar baik untuk membentuk otot, protein juga diperlukan oleh tulang. Makanlah 45 gm hingga 56 gm protein sehari untuk tulang yang lebih sihat.

7. MAGNESIUM - Massa tulang boleh ditingkatkan dengan pengambilan magnesium. Jumlah yang disarankan sehari adalah 400 mg.

8. KALIUM - Ia membantu pembentukan tulang. Pastikan anda mengambil 4,700 mg kalium setiap hari.