Monday, 6 July 2009


This is the most common gynaecological malignancy, and the second most prevalent cause of deaths among female cancer patients in tha world. With the number of cases diagnosed increasing over the years, the importance of early detection and treatment is becoming more apparent.

What is the cervix?

The cervix is the neck of the womb, which is where a foetus develops during pregnancy. The cervix leads to a passage called the vagina and to the exterior of the body.

How does cancer of the cervix occur?

When cancer develops in the cervix, cells start to behave abnormally. They start multiplying very quickly, building up into a lump or tumour. If left untreated, the cancer can spread to other parts of the body through the blood or lymphatic system.

This cancer can take years to develop. However, before it develops, early changes take place in the cells on the surface of the cervix. This is called the pre-cancerous stage. At this point, the abnormal cells can easily be detected through Pap Smear test.

Symptoms to look out for

Several physical symptoms may indicate the development of this cancer. If you experience any of these, your doctor should be consulted immediately:

* Watery, foul smelling vaginal discharge.
* Painful intercourse.
* Vaginal bleeding between periods or after sex.
* Any vaginal bleeding after menopause.

Risk factors for cancer for the cervix

* Sexual habits – beginning sexual intercourse at a young age or having multiple partners.
* Infectious agent – the Human Papilloma Virus has been scientifically linked to cancer of the cervix.
* Poor personal hygiene.
* Tobacco smoking.
* Increasing age – the highest frequency of this cancer has been detected in women aged 40 to 49.

A Pap Smear test is your protection against cervical cancer

A sexually active woman may develop cancer of the cervix and it is vital to detect and treat the cancer early. A Pap Smear test is an effective way to test for cancerous or potentially cancerous cells. It is a simple, painless test that can detect cancer of the cervix at an early stage when simple treatment can result in a total cure.

How is a Pap Smear test done?

A Pap Smear test is usually quite painless. A qualified doctor or nurse will do an internal examination by gently taking cells from the surface of the cervix speculum using a spatula to open. The cells are then placed on a glass slide, which will then be sent to a laboratory for a microscopic examination.

Why is a Pap Smear Test so important?

A Pap Smear test can detect abnormal cells, which reflect changes in the cervix before the cancer sets in. If treated early, the cancer will not develop further. An internal medical examination will also be done simultaneously as a Pap Smear test to help detect other abnormal conditions or infections of the reproductive tract.

Who needs a Pap Smear test?

All women aged 20 and above – particularly those who are sexually active – will need a Pap Smear test. It should be done as a precautionary measure once a year. You need not necessarily have any symptoms of cancer to have this test done.

When should a test be done?

A test is best done in the middle of the menstrual cycle, seven or 10 days after the start of menstruation.

What will the follow-up action be?

If any abnormalities are found, you will be treated or referred for further investigation and treatment.

Where are Pap Smear tests available?

You can have a Pap Smear test done at:

* Government health centres
* Family planning clinics
* Private hospitals/clinics

Protect yourself against cancer of the cervix. Make sure you have a Pap Smear test every year. It will not only ensure early detection, but also greatly increase your chances of a complete cure.


The most common cancer and the number one cause of cancer deaths among women in the world is breast cancer. This cancer is caused by an uncontrolled growth of cells within the breast tissue.

If not detected and treated promptly, breast cancer can metastasise, spreading to the lymph glands and other parts of the body, including lungs, bones and liver.

How to do BSE?

There are two methods.


Look for changes by standing in front of a mirror.

Pay attention to the size, shape and symmetry of your breasts and the level of both nipples.

Some of these factors include:

Step 1
View your breasts in front of a mirror.

Step 2
Raise both arms above your head.
Examine your breasts from different angles

Step 3
With your arms at your side,
turn from side to side.

Step 4
Tighten your chest by placing your hands on your hips and pressing down, applying pressure inwards.


Feel for changes while lying down.

Getting into position
Begin with your right breast. First, lie on your left with your knees bent. Place a pillow or folded bath towel underneath your right shoulder to raise the side you are going to examine. Then, place your right hand under your head. Use your left hand to examine your right breast. Hold your fingers flat to feel for any lumps or thickening.

Examine your breast using both the Vertical Strip Method and the Circular Method.

Vertical Strip Method Examine
The whole breast area in a vertical strip pattern, from the collarbone at the top to the bra-line at the bottom, and from midway between your breasts to an imaginary line down from the middle of your armpit. Using your left hand, begin the first strip at your armpit. Make a circle of light and then firm pressure at this spot to feel for any lumps or thickening.

Move your hand gradually towards the bra-line, using circles of light and firm pressure at each spot. At the bottom of the bra-line, move across about two centimetres to the left and start working upwards to your collarbone, making circles all the way. Work up and down in strips, and cover the full area indicated.

Circular Method
Starting at the top of your breast, make a large circle. Move all around the breast, looking for any unusual lumps or thickening. Do this twice, once with light pressure and again with firm pressure. Do not forget to examine below the areola (dark area).

Checking for Nipple Discharge
With both hands, apply firm pressure on the breast to see if there is any unusual discharge from the nipple.

Checking your Armpit
Bring your right arm down by your side and feel your armpit firmly and carefully for any lumps.

Left Breast Examination Repeat Steps 1 to 5 for your left breast, using your right hand.


This may involve a number of different investigations. Depending on the patient's age and whether breast abnormality was picked by screening mammography or due to other symptoms, investigations may include mammography, ultrasound of the breast, and needle aspiration or biopsy of the abnormal area.

Are all lumps in breasts cancerous?


The most common cancer and the number one cause of cancer deaths among women in Malaysia is breast cancer. This cancer is caused by an uncontrolled growth of cells within the breast tissue.

If not detected and treated promptly, breast cancer can metastasise, spreading to the lymph glands and other parts of the body, including lungs, bones and liver.

Who is at risk?

All women above the age of 20 are at risk of developing breast cancer. There are a number of risk factors that have been identified.

Some of these factors include:

* Age – the risk of developing breast cancer does increase with age. In fact, 70 per cent of breast cancer cases occur in women aged 50 and above.

* Family history – women who have a mother, sister or daughter who developed breast cancer before the age of 50 are at a higher risk. This risk is further heightened if a woman has more than one immediate family member who has breast cancer.

* Previous history – women who have already been treated for cancer in one breast have an increased risk of developing cancer in the other.

* Early menstruation (before the age of 12) or late menopause (after the age of 50).

* Never having a full-term pregnancy or giving birth after the age of 30.

* Not having breast-fed.

* A diet high in fat and low in fibre.

* Obesity in post-menopausal years.

* Excessive alcohol consumption.

Early Detection

Great importance has been placed on the early detection of breast cancer.

There are basically four methods of early detection.

Breast self-examination (BSE) – Through BSE, you familiarise yourself with your breasts and this makes it easier for you to notice any changes. It is recommended for women aged 35 and below and should be done once a month, between the seventh and 10th day after the start of menstruation. For non-menstruating women, BSE should be done at the same time every month. For women above 35, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor every year.

Reporting of breast changes – Any unusual changes to your breasts – even after a mammogram – should be reported to a doctor, as these changes may indicate an early warning sign. This includes the symptoms listed below.

Breast examination by a doctor – For women 35-years-old and above, an annual breast examination by a doctor is recommended. If you are going for a mammogram, it would be a good idea to schedule a breast examination by a doctor.

Mammography (x-ray of the breast) – This method can detect breast cancer even before any lumps can be felt. It is especially useful for women between the ages of 50 and 69, and it is recommended that a mammogram be scheduled once every two years. For younger women, because their breast tissue is denser, the accuracy of a mammogram becomes less certain.

Symptoms of breast cancer

These are often the first indicator that breast cancer may be present.

You should look out for:

* A lump in your breast that persists after your period.

* Bleeding or discharge from the nipple.

* Change in the shape of the breast.

* Puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast.

* New retraction (pulling in) of the nipple.

If you see or experience any of these changes, please see your doctor immediately.


The earlier breast cancer is detected, the higher the chances of complete and successful treatment.

This may involve:

* Surgery – this removes the cancer and some surrounding normal tissue to ensure a margin of safety. There are two ways of doing this:

* Lumpectomy – only a small or affected section of the breast is removed.

* Mastectomy – here, all the breast tissue is removed. With this type of treatment, a woman can opt to have breast reconstruction to surgically rebuild the breast.

* Radiotherapy – high-powered x-ray waves are directed at the cancer site and surrounding tissue to help destroy any remaining cancer cells.

* Chemotherapy – this requires the use of drugs or hormonal therapy to help destroy any remaining cancer cells.

To achieve the best outcome, doctors sometimes recommend a combination of therapies.

Can you fight breast cancer?

As breast cancer can be easily detected, you can do your bit to ensure that if it develops, it is detected and treated early. Most women with early breast cancer go on to live long, healthy and normal lives.


Get extra antioxidants from food to help block free radical attacks that speed ageing

AGEING is an inevitable part of life. It is accompanied by a series of changes, both in the outward - appearance as well as internal.

The onset of ageing is usually - accompanied by wrinkles on the face as the skin becomes drier and less elastic. White and thinning hair is also part of the package.

Muscles begin to lose their tone and strength. Bones become less dense and more prone to fractures. And sometimes, your short-term memory fails you completely.

Your heart and blood circulatory system also become less efficient. So, do your lungs, and your liver is no longer efficient at filtering toxins from your blood.

In a nutshell, your body slows down in its functions. You are more at risk of infections and diseases.

Although no one can escape from getting old, the rate of ageing differs from one individual to another. So, if we know what prompts ageing, we can try to slow down the process and thus postpone the undesirable effects.

According to the free radical - theory, ageing is the result of - continual attacks by free radicals on our body cells. Free radicals are unstable molecules that lack an electron. So, in order to stabilise itself, a free radical will 'attack and steal' an electron from a body cell, thus damaging the cell. This triggers a chain reaction where more free radicals are formed in the body.

Over the years, cell damage may lead to destruction of tissues and these may cause diseases.
While normal body processes like the burning of oxygen to - produce energy or even exercise can release free radicals, external factors add on to the free radicals in our body.

These include environmental pollutants like vehicle exhaust and cigarette smoke, exposure to - radiation and sunlight, a high fat diet and also physical as well as mental stress.

Fortunately, our body has a way of countering free radicals. It produces antioxidants in the form of antioxidant enzymes to - neutralise the free radicals by donating electrons to them.

However, when the number of free radicals is too high, we need to get extra antioxidants from our diet to help block the free radical attacks that speed - ageing.

Antioxidants also help to prevent certain age-related diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration which may lead to blindness.

Plant food such as fruits, - vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are good sources of - antioxidants. Some vitamins and minerals also double up as - antioxidants.

For example, beta carotene, found in orange-yellow fruits and vegetables like papaya, mango and pumpkin, is a strong antioxidant.

Vitamin C is also good at - combating free radicals. The same goes for vitamin E and the minerals zinc and selenium.

There is - another group of plant nutrients known as - phenolic compounds or poly - phenols which are - powerful - anti - oxidants besides having anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial functions.

Phenolic compounds are found in a wide variety of foods including apples, pears, potatoes, lettuce and coffee beans. Incidentally, coffee is one of the richest dietary sources of a type of phenolic compound called chlorogenic acid, which acts as an antioxidant.

In 2005, Dr. Joe Vinson, a - chemistry professor at the - University of Scranton, - Pennsylvania, and his - associates analysed the antioxidant content of more than 100 foods and beverages commonly found in the American diet and coffee came out as the top antioxidant contributor (

Similarly, the Journal of - Nutrition (2004) reported on the findings of A. Svilaas and team who found coffee to be a - significant source of - antioxidants (Vol 134, pages 562 to 567).

So, it looks like moderate - consumption of coffee, - regardless of the type of beans used, - caffeinated or decaffeinated, brewed or - instant, helps to top up our body-s - antioxidant pool.

In conclusion, if you wish to - delay ageing and its - accompanying effects, you need to minimise free radical - formation and optimise - antioxidant consumption.

Here's how you can achieve that:

* Enjoy five servings of fruits and - vegetables daily, preferably with a variety of colours. Throw in some whole grains, nuts and seeds. Sip a cup or two of your favourite coffee.

* Avoid strong sunlight, - especially between 10am and 4pm. Use sunblock and - umbrellas to shield yourself outdoors.

* Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand tobacco smoke.

* Minimise time caught in - traffic jams.

* Cut down on deep-fried foods and saturated fats. Do not eat burnt foods.

* Learn to manage your stress.

So, to look youthful, think beyond skin creams, botox - injections and mesotherapy. Look for antioxidants instead, because they not only help you look good but feel good as well.


Berikut resepi-resepi jus buah dan sayur yang baik bagi kesihatan:

Jus Durian Belanda + Nenas + Betik.
Khasiat: memperlancar pencernaan, anti sembelit dan meningkatkan nafsu makan.

250 g Durian Belanda,
100 g nenas,
100 g betik,
2 Sudu Besar jus Limau nipis,
2 Sudu Besar madu,
100 ml air ais.

Cara membuat:-
Blander Buah Durian Belanda bersama air dibuat juice, masukkan madu dan jus Limau nipis.Nenas dan betik dipotong-potong dadu kecil. Campurkan potongan nenas dan pepaya ke dalam juice Buah Durian Belanda tadi.

Jus Halia +Tembikai.
Khasiat: melancarkan pencernaan dan mencegah kanser.

250 g buah Tembikai,
250 ml air,
125 ml Pati Halia,
2 Sudu Besar gula pasir,
1 oz hirisan Halia.

Cara membuat:-
Buah Tembikai , dibulat-bulat mengguna ceduk ais krim, lalu dinginkan beberapa jam dalam peti sejuk.Campurkan air, pati halia, dan gula, lalu didihkan di atas api yang sedearhana. Campurkan semua bahan kemudian hidangkan.

Jus Mangga
Khasiat: ubat asma, bronkhitis, sesak nafas, dan influenza berat

200 g mangga masak
100 g air hangat
1 sdm limau nipis
2 sdm madu

Cara membuat:
Semua bahan dimasukkan ke dalam blender
Terapi: diminum 2 kali sehari sampai gejala penyakit hilang

Jus Carrot + Celery
Khasiat: menurunkan tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah

300 g carrot
1 genggam daun celery
2 ulas bawang putih
1 sdt garam

Cara membuat:
Semua bahan dicampur dan dimasukkan ke dalam juicer. Diambil patinya saja tanpa serat dengan menggunakan blander juice atau saringan.
Terapi: diminum 1 kali sehari sampai gejala penyakit hilang

Jus Kombinasi Buah
Khasiat: melancarkan pencernaan, sembelit, dan kembung perut

100 g betik
100 g epal
100 g nenas
2 sdm limau nipis
2 sdm madu
200 ml air ais

Cara membuat:
Semua bahan dimasukkan ke dalam juicer
Terapi: diminum sebelum sarapan pagi

Jus Aneka Sayur
Khasiat: menyempurnakan alergi, eksim, sakit punggung, rasa kejang jantung, dan menjaga kesehatan usus.

150 g carrot
100 g bayam
100 g timun
50 g celery
3 sdm madu
1 sdm dari limau nipis
100 ml air dingin atau ais

Cara membuat:Semua bahan dimasukkan ke dalam juicer
Terapi: diminum 1 kali sehari sesudah makan.


SEJAK ribuan tahun lalu manusia telah menggunakan berbagai tumbuh-tumbuhan yang sekarang dikenalsebagai sayuran maupun buah-buahan untuk dimakan dan diolah secara alami tanpa menggunakan campuran apa pun.Buah dan sayur terasa enak, segar dimakan, selain memiliki kandungan zat gizi yang banyak seperti vitamin dan mineral. Vitamin A berfungsi mempertahankan kesihatan mata, struktur kulit, rambut, dan gigi.

Vitamin A dapat diperoleh dari sayuran daun berwarna hijau gelap sepertibayam, kaduk, dan buah atau sayuran berwarna kuning/oren seperti carrot, kentang, tomato, labu kuning, betik, mangga, dll. Buah dan sayur yang kaya vitamin E mampu mencegah terjadinya penyakit jantung, kancer, stroke, dan infeksi virus. Vitamin E banyak terdapat pada sayuran berdaun hijau (bayam) dan tomato. Vitamin C berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, kesihatan gusi, dan mencegah terjadinya luka. Dalam buah-buahan vitamin C banyak terdapat pada jambu , limau, tomato, mangga dan durian belanda.

Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan banyak buah-buahan dan sayuran selain sarat mengandung vitamin dan mineral juga mengandung zat nongizi yang ternyata manfaatnya besar bagi kesihatan. Zat nongizi yang dimaksud adalah serat, phytokimia, dan lain-lain.Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan bahawa phytokimia dapat menetralkan racun ibat dan zat karsinogen dengan jalan menetralkan radikal bebas, menghambat enzim yang mengaktifkan karsinogen sekaligus merangsang enzim yang menetralkan zat karsinogen.

Buah-buah dan sayuran yang mengandung phytokimia di antaranya bayam, kangkung, brokoli, sawi, kacang-kacangan, tomato, betik, anggur, limau, carrot dan lain-lain.Buah-buahan biasanya dikonsumsi segar. Sayuran diolah dengan cara dimasak dengan sedikit air (ditumis) maupun berupa masakan berkuah misalnya sup. Cara lain yang banyak dilakukan akhir-akhir ini yaitu dalam bentuk jus.

Bagi yang sibuk, membeli jus di kedai makanan dan minuman lebih praktis bila dibandingkan dengan membuatnya sendiri di rumah. Namun, bila ditelaah lebih lanjut, membuat jus tidak memerlukan keterampilan khusus kerana proses pembuatannya sangat sederhana. Kombinasi berbagai macam buah dan sayur akan menjadikan jus kelihatan menarik. Selain itu, kombinasi tersebut akan menambah khasiat jus itu sendiri. Mengkonsumsi jus lebih menguntungkan dibanding dengan menyantap buah potong.

Menyiapkan jus sendiri di rumah tidaklah sukar. Anda dapat memilih sendiri buah-buahan dan sayuran yang benar-benar masak dan segar agar vitamin, mineral, dan substansi lainnya masih dalam keadaan baik. Jangan tergoda membeli yang terlalu masak, sebab Anda tidak akan mendapat seluruh nutrisi yang seharusnya. Anda juga dapat mengcontrol sendiri dengan tepat perbandingan berat buah atau sayuranyang dicampur. Kebersihan pun lebih terjamin, dan tentu lebih ekonomi.

Jus buah-buahan atau sayuran akan tetap elok warnanya bila Anda campur dengan sedikit jeruk (lemon, limau nipis). Penambahan jeruk akan menambah khasiat jus. Untuk pemanisnya lebih baik Anda gunakan madu atau gula merah (khususnya untuk jus avokado). Agar tambah lazat Anda bolehmenyejuk bahan jus terlebih dulu di dalam peti sejuk. Namun ingat bahwa tidak semua buah dapat didinginkan. Apabila Anda mahu menyimpan buah-buahan tertentu dalam waktu yang lama maka Anda dapat membekukannya dengan cara menyimpannya secara dibungkus didalam pembeku.

Umumnya buah dapat bertahan 3 bulan lamanya.Jangan lupa untuk membersihkan terlebih dahulu buah-buahan segar atau sayuran yang hendak dijus. Guna pemberus kecil untuk memastikan semua kotoran hilang. Jangan selalu mengupas buah atau sayuran yang akan dijus karena justru nutrisi ada di bagian kulit.Jus akan sangat berkhasiat bila segera diminum setelah selesai dibuat. Kerana nutrisi dalam jus berseratmenguap dengan cepat dan akan membusuk bila terkena udara segar. Minumlah jus dengan perlahan-lahan sehingga semua khasiat jus dapat diserap dengan baik. Berikut kami berikan beberapa resepi jus buah dan sayuran yang berkhasiat mencegah sekaligus menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit.