Monday, 16 January 2012

Heel cracks cause & remedies

Cracked heel is common foot problem in which the skin on the heel of the foot becomes thickening and fissuring. Cracked heels are symptom of lack of attention to foot care. In medical terms, cracked heels are also known as heel fissures. If cracked heels are not treated at an early stage, it can be very painful. In the beginning, they appear like thin lines under foot. Walking may become difficult as they deepen. These lines appear on the heel when the heel skin turns dry and scaly. Bleeding starts from these cracks in extreme cases and the pain also intensifies.
What Causes Cracked Heels?
Some people have naturally dry skin which is responsible for cracked heels. Dry skin which is thickened may crack due to mechanical factors like increased pressures in that area (eg the way you walk).
The most common causes of Cracked Heels are:
  • Dry skin
  • Inactive sweat glands
  • Improperly fitting shoes
  • Wearing glasses with an open back
  • High arched feet
  • Flat feet
  • Surgery to the lower extremities
  • Mal-aligment of the metatarsal bones
  • Prolonged standing
  • Heel Spurs
  • Obesity
  • Thyroid disease
  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
    Athlete’s foot

Symptoms of cracked heels:

Most common symptoms of cracked heels are:
  • Peeling and cracked skin
  • Yellow or dark skin on the heel
  • Itchy skin
  • Red or flaky patches on the heel of the foot
  • Hard growth of skin on the outer edge of the heel
  • Pain while walking
  • Increased pain in thin soles or open back shoes
The symptoms may worsen by wearing open or thin soled shoes.

Cracked heel remedies:

It is best to start the treatment of cracked foot at a preliminary stage and for that it is necessary to take proper care of feet. Feet also need to be coddled same as the skin of the other parts of body.
Home remedies:
  • Warm Water and Pumice Stone:
    • Warm water is the best remedy. It helps to soften the tough skin on the heels. By the use of pumice stone, soft skin is easily removed. You can also use sandpaper instead of pumice stone. You can wrap sand paper on a small block of wood that easily to fit in the palm of your hand.
  • Shortening:
    • Same as moisturizer or lotion, apply a generous coating of lard or shortening. To prevent the escaping of shortening, wear thick socks and leave it overnight. Continue to do this steps each night until your heels look better. You can also use hydrogenated vegetable oil instead of shortening.
  • Ripe Banana:
    • Ripe banana is also helpful for treating heel fissures. Apply the smash of the ripe banana on heel. Leave it on for about 15 minutes, and then wipe off. Wear a protective sock over the foot for more relief.
  • Sudsy Water:
    • Sudsy Water is prepared with soap and warm water. Soak your feet every night for 15 to 20 minutes in warm and then dry completely. Don’t scrub your feet with the pumice stone during the soaking phase.
  • Moisturizers:
    • In any department store or drugstore, moisturizers for cracked heels can be availed. Moisturizing lotions which are specially formulated for excessively dry skin will work best. Ask a dermatologist to provide a prescription-strength moisturizer in extreme cases. Soak your feet for 15 minutes in a foot bath to hydrate the skin for best results and then apply moisturizer after completely drying of the feet.
Medical Treatment:
If heel fissures are very painful and bleeding also takes place, look for medical treatment immediately. If there is more serious underlying problem, such as an under active thyroid, diabetes or psoriasis, your doctor can diagnose this.

Prevention tips for cracked heels:
Moisturizing the feet commonly can prevent heel fissures. Besides keeping your feet moisturized, other ways are also available to prevent them. Avoid walking around barefoot for extended periods of time and wear shoes that offer support to foot and heel when standing for a long time. Also, you can use a pumice stone daily to gently decrease the thick and flaky layer of skin after occurring of cracked heels.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Care & Wash

Apple cider vinegar is a marvelous bactericide for hair. To encourage healthy hair in both men and women, Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been used from long time. It is good conditioner and also an effective germ killer. A proper pH balance is provided by apple cider vinegar to promote hair growth and a healthy scalp. In the following article, there are different tips to use apple cider vinegar for hair care and wash.

Apple cider vinegar is a famous health food and folk remedy. Old nasty skin cells are removed from the scalp and hair follicles by apple cider vinegar due to the fact that it is super high in alpha-hydroxy acids. The main ingredient, Acetic acid will eliminate buildup from styling products and conditioners and strengthen the hair shaft, leaving with soft, glimmering strands. Apple cider vinegar hair wash will balance pH level of hair, kill bacteria and it is also a great cure for dandruff. For color-treated or processed hair, this rinse is not suggested because acetic acid is a clarifier and can strip hair of color. It also encourages blood circulation in the small blood capillaries that irrigate the skin. It is also antiseptic, fighting yeasts, viruses and bacteria that can cause infection.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar in Hair?

  • Comb and shampoo the hair with your normal shampoo.
  • Rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining shampoo or build-up that’s accumulated on the hair.
  • Take two cups of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water and rinse hair carefully with the mix.
  • Leave the mixture on the hair for fifteen minutes.
  • After that rinse the vinegar with clean warm water until the vinegar smell dissipates.
  • Carefully comb out the hair and you will find detangled, healthy looking and manageable hair.
  • Repeat the procedure every week or less if desired.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Dandruff and Itchy Scalp?

  • Add two to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water.
  • After that, add 1 oz of olive oil, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Mix all these ingredients well.
  • Apply this concoction to scalp and place a towel over the scalp for 15 minutes.
  • Afterwards, comb the hair and wash it with warm water.
  • Repeat this treatment regularly.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Growth?

  • Apply apple cider vinegar directly onto the scalp.
  • Afterwards dab royal jelly on the hair.
  • Rinse the hair after sometime.
  • How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Loss?
  • Mix 2 Tbsp ACV with a tiny pinch cayenne powder.
  • Apply it to scalp an hour before shampooing
  • Rinse the hair after sometime.

How to Use of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Loss?

  • Combine apple cider vinegar and water in equal amount.
  • Afterwards, add 10 drops of sage to it.
  • Apply this mixture to hair and let it to be on the scalp for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • After that, wash off the mixture with water.
  • Repeat this treatment daily for a week.
Basic Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
  • Mix 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 qt. of distilled water to make the rinse.
  • Put it in a plastic bottle and bring it into the shower or bath.
  • Shampoo hair and rinse well.
  • Apply the apple cider vinegar rinse to hair and leave it for few seconds.
  • Rinse hair using cold water to seal the hair shaft and create more shine.
  • Try it once a week at most.
  • Dry your hair with a towel. If vinegar scent is noticed after rinsing, then don’t worry. The smell will disappear after the hair dries.
Herbal Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
  • Boil 1 cup water and add 3 tbsp. of your selected dried herb into a tea ball or muslin bag.
  • Place the ball or bag in hot water and allow the mixture instill for two hours.
  • When the herbal tonic is cooled, pour the mix into a glass jar and add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Shake well and apply the mixture to hair and leave it for few seconds.
  • Rinse hair using cold water to seal the hair shaft and create more shine.
  • Try it once a week at most.

Hair Remedies at Home with Olive Oil

Olive oil is well-known natural remedy for promoting the growth of good hair and overall body health. Read out article to know some home remedies for hair with the use if olive oil.

Olive oil improves the health and quality of your hair and scalp. Many people have a problem of dry, brittle or frizzy hair. Probably, this problem may be due to use of expensive products which promises silky and shiny locks. Frizziness and drying condition of your hair can be treated well with a simple product like olive oil. Olive oil is used for almost all hair problems including dandruff, hair lice, hair loss etc. Also, it acts as conditioning agent on hair.

The rate of hair growth depends on two factors: the amount of nourishment that reaches to your hair follicles from nutrients supplied to them by the bloodstream and also the regular oiling and cleaning of the scalp and hair. Some other factors which adversely affect hair growth include stress, exposure to heat, dust and sun and prolonged physical ailments. Olive oil is a good source of polyphenols which gives anti bacterial and anti fungal properties. So, some of the most effective home remedies for hair comprise the use of olive oil as it gives the healthier, softer and more manageable look to hair.

Extra virgin olive oil is marginally better to use than virgin oil as it is prepared with organic olives. Olive oil is well regarded as an aid to over-all health due to its nourishing properties. To enhance the health and vitality of your hair, olive oil is the best and cheapest way to use on hair as it nourishes conditions and improves the strength and elasticity of the hair.

Olive Oil treatments for hair:

Olive Oil as Conditioner:
For dry and damaged hair, olive oil can be effectively used as a conditioner as it has nourishing property to the hair.
  • Warm about 2 tsps of olive oil as it penetrates more deeply into the hair shaft to repair the damaged cuticles that cause dryness, frizziness and breakage. Massage the oil into your hair from beginning to the ends of your hair. Cover your hair in a warm towel and allow the oil to saturate your hair for up to 30 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Finally, rinse your hair with cool water which seals the hair shaft, locking in shine and prevents damaged ends.
  • Add few drops of lemon juice in half a cup of olive oil. Apply this mixture on the hair and scalp after shampooing. Rinse hair after 5 minutes.
  • Combine half a quarter of spring water with a quarter of olive oil and massage into the hair. Wrap your hair in warm towel and leave for 25 minutes. After that, wash off hair with water.
Olive Oil to Treat Head Lice:
It is very difficult to remove head lice and recurring attacks are also possible. Olive oil can effectively treat head lice. It is effective in tacking the problem of hair lice without the agony and irritation as it related with other commercial hair lice removal products.
  • To remove head lice, apply olive oil on the scalp and leave it on scalp for 30 minutes. Shampoo the hair thoroughly to eliminate the oil. Reapply the olive oil the next day for greater effect.
Olive Oil to Treat Hair Loss:
The problem of hair loss can be significantly decreased with the regular use of olive oil.

  • To bring out the best results, consume olive oil as a part of your diet.
  • Before going to bed, massage your scalp with olive oil every night and cover your head. In the morning, rinse the hair with shampoo.
  • Mix one beaten egg in ¾ cup of olive oil. Apply this mixture to the hair after it is shampooed and is still wet. Allow it to remain on the hair for at least 45 minutes. Then, rinse hair with mild shampoo. This is a good remedy for the hair regrowth. Olive oil also used as an excellent conditioner that also aids in increasing hair volume.
  • You can also apply a blend of an egg, a tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of honey on your scalp. Rinse your hair after 15 minutes to enhance hair growth.
Other Olive Oil Treatment:
  • In a sauce pan, place half a cup of olive oil and add half a cup of dried rosemary leaves. Heat it on a low flame with continuous stirring. Then, eliminate from heat and strain the leaves from the oil. When oil is slightly warm, apply it on your scalp and hair. To retain the heat, cover the head and leave for 15 minutes. At last, wash thoroughly with shampoo and water.
For hair growth, extra virgin olive oil is found to be most effective because it is good source of vitamin E and mono-unsaturated fatty acids which act as antioxidants and promote hair growth. It’s emollient property help to minimize hair loss and factors that cause hair loss fir example dandruff. Regular use of olive oil directly on the hair and on the scalp helps to resolve the problem of brittle hair.  Regularly massage of the scalp with olive oil tends to stimulate the scalp and promote hair growth. Furthermore, it also improves the elasticity of hair and prevents hair breakage.

Make Your Own Fruit Facial Mask At Home

Everybody wants beautiful face so they spend thousands of dollars to achieve it. Face mask helps the skin to moisturize and tighten. Facial mask removes dirt, dust, and excess oil from the skin as well as soften it. There are so many face masks available in the market, which are loaded with synthetic chemicals. So, homemade face masks are better. Facial masks are usually based on fruits, dairy products and dry fruits.Homemade fruit facial mask will exfoliate the skin naturally with fruit acids. Refer the article to know the benefits and recipes of fruit facial mask.

Fruit facial mask helps to slow down the ageing process, restore damaged skin, reduce blemishes and tan, rejuvenate the dull skin and prevent wrinkles. Homemade fruit facial masks are free of chemicals, artificial supplements and preservatives. Fruit mask preserves the health and elasticity of the skin as well as provides relaxation and hydration. You can make fruit mask by using any seasonal fruit. Rich antioxidants particularly vitamin E is contained in the fresh fruit pulp which is soaked topically to nourish the skin. Before applying the fruit mask, always give yourself a facial massage. Facial massage will enhance the circulation allowing the cells to bathe in fresh oxygen.

1) Strawberry Mask:
Take ½ cup ripe strawberries and ¼ cup cornstarch. Then combine them to make a paste.

2) Banana and Honey Mask:
Take a mixing bowl and beat 1 egg white. After beating add 1 tablespoon yogurt, ½ teaspoon jojoba oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon white clay. Mix till it becomes a smooth concoction. Now take another bowl and mash 1 ripe banana; it becomes smooth. After that, add mashed banana in the first concoction.

3) Papaya Mask:
Take ¼ fresh papaya and mash it. Then add 1½ teaspoons of aloe vera gel and 4 teaspoons of green cosmetic clay. Mix it well till it becomes a smooth paste.

4) Orange Mask:
Take a bowl and whisk 1 egg till it becomes firm and stands in peaks. Then blend 1 orange juice and 1 teaspoon honey.

5) Avocado Mask:
Take a small bowl and mash the pulp of 1 avocado with the help of a fork. Then add 1 teaspoon honey and 1 egg yolk to mashed avocado.

6) Apple Facial mask:
Take the puree of ½ apple and add 1 tablespoon warm milk to it. Mix well and add 1 egg yolk. Blend all the ingredients well. If the mixture is runny then you can add 1 tablespoon pure oatmeal.

7) Peach Mask:
Blend 1 ripe peach and 1 egg white in a blender till it becomes smooth.

8) Kiwi, cucumber, and strawberry Mask:
Mix 1 mashed kiwi, 2 mashed strawberries and half slice of cucumber. After that put this concoction on a muslin cloth and compress the juice. Use the solid mixture as face mask and the juice as toner.

9) Grape Mask:
Take 1 cup green grapes and crush them to make pulp. Then add 1 teaspoon honey in it and mix well. You can also use 1 egg yolk in place of honey.

10) Pear Mask:
Take 1 ripe pear and mash it with the help of a fork. Then add ½ teaspoon honey and 1 tablespoon heavy cream. Mix well till it becomes a smooth paste.

Benefits of Homemade Fruit Facial Mask:

  • They hydrate and rejuvenate the skin.
  • You can combine any fruits to make the mask.
  • They are chemical free and have no side effects.
  • Fruit facial mask also helps to slow down the ageing process.
  • By using fruit mask, the skin look bright and tight.
  • These fruit masks also offer deep mental relaxation.
  • The fruit masks decrease the blemishes and tones up the skin.
  • The fruit masks open clogged pores and restore the moisture of skin.
  • Homemade fruit facial masks also helps to get rid of the wrinkles on the face.
  • Homemade fruit facial masks can be made by using any type of fruit.
  • They improve and lighten the complexion and make the face glow.

5 Tips Untuk Kempiskan Perut

1) Makan makanan yang betul.
Untuk mengempiskan perut kita perlu makan makanan yang seimbang di dalam menu harian kita kerana diet yang betul boleh membantu membuang lemak di bahagian perut. Makan yang betul sepatutnya mengandungi karbohidrat kompleks, fiber, vitamin dan mineral, lean protein, ikan dan sayuran berdaun hijau.
2) Tinggalkan makanan ringan atau fast food.
Makan makanan ringan dan makanan segera adalah tidak baik untuk kesihatan dan akan membuatkan lemak berkumpul di bahagian perut jika diambil dengan berlebihan. Kita sepatutnya menggelakkan mengambil karbohidrat yang diprocess, gula, makan goreng (deep fried food), makanan segera dan apa jua makanan berlemak.
3) Berhenti makan lewat malam.
Kebanyakkan orang akan terus tidur selepas makan lewat malam. Ini bermakna lebihan gula yang dimakan semasa makan lewat malam akan ditukar kepada lemak kerana badan tidak boleh membakar lemak semasa kita tidur.
4) Kurangkan minum soda, jus atau minuman bergula.
Soda, jus asli atau minuman bergula mengandungi banyak kalori dan akan merosakkan usaha kita untuk mengempiskan perut. Berhenti minum minuman bergula dan banyakkan minum air kosong atau air mineral.
5) Latihan kardio dan berat.
Melakukan senaman kardio adalah amat penting untuk mengempiskan perut kerana senaman ini dapat membakar kalori lebih banyak dari melakukan senaman perut. Contoh senaman kardio seperti jogging, berjalan. Dan menaiki tangga. Diharap dengan tip-tip yang diberi dapat membantu anda dalam usaha anda mendapatkan bentuk badan yang di ingini.