Menghilangkan Parut
Petua 1 :
Ambil biji asam jawa. Goreng tanpa minyak lebih kurang 5 minit. Kemudian ambil dan goreskan pada batu atau permukaan yang kasar. Bila keluar serbuknya, teteskan air dan gosok pada parut. Insyaallah jika dilaksanakan ia akan dapat menghilangkan parut tersebut
Petua 2 :
Tumbuk kulit kayu manis sehingga lumat. Campurkan serbuk ini dengan sedikit air. campurkan bersama dengan bedak dingin. Kemudian sapu rata di bahagian berparut. Lakukan sesering mungkin. Lama-kelamaan, parut akan beransur hilang. Petuah ini juga sesuai untuk menghilangkan bintik-bintik hitam dan jerawat di wajah
Petua 3 :
Ambil sedikit asam jawa, kemudian remas dgn mencampurkan sedikit air. Jgn terlalu cair. Sesudah itu, sapukan pada tempat yg berparut. Biarkan sehingga kering. Sebaik-baiknya lakukan pada waktu malam sebelum tidur.
Petua 4 :
Lakukan gosok setiap hari dengan kulit pisang lemak manis atau kulit pisang kapas.
Petua 5 :
Sapukan dengan sebarang ubat gigi setiap hari. (seeloknya jenis gel)
Petua 6 :
Ambil sedikit beras, kunyit hidup dan sedikit bawang putih. lumatkan bahan-bahan ini sehingga halus. Kemudian, campurkan dengan sedikit air dan ratakan ke muka. Biarkan sehingga kering dan kemudian gosokkan perlahan-lahan sama seperti memakai scrub. Setelah itu bilaskan dengan air angat. Lakukan setiap hari dan anda akan mendapat hasil yang memuaskan
Petua 7 :
Sapu lendir daun lidah buaya pada parut di muka atau badan. InsyaAllah parut akan cepat sembuh terutama sekali parut yang masih baru. Ingat, jangan tunggu lama-lama, jangan biar luka/parut dah jadi kehitaman baru nak cari daun lidah buaya ni yer...
Melentikkan Bulu Mata
Ambil daun lidah buaya. Sebelum masuk tidur, sapukan lendirnya pada bulu mata. lakukan selalu hingga bulu mata semakin lentik
Melebatkan Alis Mata
Petua 1:
Bakar dua biji buah keras hingga hitam. Kemudian tumbuk lumat. Sapukan pada kening setiap malam sebelum tidur. Keesokkannya bersihkan dengan air. Kening akan nampak lebih lebat dan menarik.
Petua 2 :
Ambil batang pucuk paku. Remas sehingga keluar lendir. Sapukan lendir tersebut pada bulu kening. Lakukan selalu.
Menyegarkan Mata
Ambil timun yang telah dihiris. Lekapkan pada kelopak mata Pejamkan mata utk berapa ketika. Anda akan berasa kesegarannya selepas itu.
Menghilangkan Lebam Mata
Petua 1 :
Teh celup yg telah digunakan jangan buang. Lekap pada mata dan biarkan semalaman. Lakukan 3 kali seminggu ketika hendak masuk tidur.
Petua 2 :
Sapukan bahagian lebam itu dengan air perahan limau nipis. Lakukan beberapa kali.
Bibir Sentiasa Berseri
Ambil 1/3 cawan air kunyit hidup, 1/3 cawan santan kelapa yang pekat dan sedikit garam. Campurkan semua ramuan tersebut dan kacau ratarata, minumlah setiap pagi. Dalam masa yang singkat, anda dapat melihat hasilnya
Memerahkan Bibir
Petua 1 :
Sapukan madu asli pada bibir tiap-tiap malam sebelum masuk tidur. lakukan selalu. Insyaallah bibir anda akan merah seperti memakai gincu
Petua 2 :
Tumbuk seketul halia hingga hancur. Perah airnya, campur kuning telur ayam kampung dan makan setiap pagi dan malam. Bibir pucat akan menjadi merah seperti delima merekah.
Memutihkan dan Mengilatkan Gigi
Petua 1 :
Ambil beberapa helai daun kelapa kering. Bakar hingga jadi abu. Gosokkan gigi anda dengan abu daun kelapa tersebut. Lakukan berulang kali dan insyaallah gigi anda putih berkilat
Petua 2 :
Goreng biji asam jawa tanpa minyak. tumbuk sehingga menjadi serbuk dan gosoklah pada gigi.
Petua 3 :
Tumbuk kayu arang sehingga halus dan gosokkan pada gigi.
Petua 4
Ambil 7 biji pinang yang telah kering kulitnya. Bakar pinang sehingga hangus dan hitam. Kemudian tumbuk sehingga menjadi serbuk. Gunakan serbuk tersebut untuk mencuci gigi. Amalkan petuah ini 3 kali seminggu. InsyaAllah kesan kekuningan pada gigi akan hilang
Mencegah Kuku Panjang Patah
Kuku panjang memang mudah patah. Ambil beberapa biji bawang putih, dipotong dua. Benamkan pada kuku. Amalkan selalu. InsyaAllah kuku akan menjadi kuat dan berseri.
Menghilangkan Bau Mulut
Petua 1 :
Ambil 10 kuntum bunga cengkeh dan 3 ulas bawang putih. Kemudian kedua-duanya ditumbuk lumat. Gosok pada gigi dan berkumur. Lakukan 3 hari sekali, baunya akan hilang dan ia mengeluarkan bau yang harum.
Petua 2 :
Lakukan makan hampas kelapa yang sudah digoreng tanpa minyak dan minum air hangat. Makanlah setiap pagi dan malam selama 3 hari atau 3 hari sekali.
Menghilangkan Bulu / kumis tipis Di Atas Bibir
Semua perempuan pasti menghadapi masalah ini dan banyak juga yang berasa sangat malu dan tidak berkeyakinan diri bila bulu di atas bibir ini terlalu lebat kan. Jangan risau, cobalah petua yang saya beri ini insyaAllah berkesan karena saya sendiri telah mencobanya dan ternyata berkesan dan kulit kelihatan lebih menarik.
Caranya :Perah limau nipis dan campurkan jusnya dengan gula pasir. Aduk2 dan kemudian sapu atau urutlah ke atas bibir. Selamat mencuba
Mengkilatkan Kuku Kaki
Petua 1 :
Buang kulit bawang putih dan potong dua. Gosokkan pada kuku kaki sehingga kelihatan berkilat. Boleh dibuat seberapa kerap yang anda suka.
Petua 2 :
Ambil belimbing besi dan gosokkan pada kuku kaki supaya kembali bersih dan berkilat.
Mencantikkan Betis
Ambil minyak kelapa dan sapukan pada betis setiap hari. Selang 2-3 hari, urut pula dengan menggunakan hampas kelapa. InsyaAllah betis anda senantiasa cantik
Mencantikkan Kuku Tangan dan Kaki
Letakkan 5-10 asam dan garam halus ke dalam semangkuk atau sebaldi air hangat. Biarkan selama 15 minit. Kemudian, rendam tangan atau kaki anda ke dalamnya selama 20-30 minit . Amalkan sebelum anda masuk tidur. InsyaAllah kuku anda akan kelihatan cantik.
Mengatasi Bulu Roma Lebat
Jika anda mengalami masalah bulu roma yang lebat tentu anda risau , terutama bagi kaum wanita. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, sediakan 2 sendok air limau nipis, campurkan dengan sedikit gula pasir, aduk2 rata. Setelah itu sapukan pada badan yang ditumbuhi oleh bulu roma itu, biar kering di badan selama setengah j am setelah itu barulah dicuci. Lakukan cara ini sekali sehari. Insya-Allah bulu roma anda akan gugur
Menghaluskan Kulit Badan
Petua 1 :
Buah keras ditumbuk dan dicampur bersama minyak zaitun dan digosok ke badan. Insyaallah kulit akan menjadi halus dan dapat membuangkan daki-daki dibadan (scrub)
Petua 2 :
Parut dua kelapa dan tuangkan ke dalam bath tub. Berendamlah di dalamnya selama 15 minit. Gosokkan badan anda dengan santan dan hampas kelapa itu. lakukan ini seminggu sekali untuk mendapatkan kulit tubuh yang halus
Melembutkan Tapak Tangan
Letakkan odol sedikit pada tapak tangan anda yang basah. Ratakan sehingga menampakkan buih, kemudian basuh. Anda akan merasakan tapak tangan anda menjadi lebih lembut. .
Menghilangkan Bau Badan
Petua 1 :
Potongkan limau kasturi dan buangkan bijinya. Makanlah kulit limau kasturi itu bersama airnya.
Petua 2 :
Ambil beberapa helai daun limau nipis yang masih muda, tumbuklah hingga hancur. Kemudian, bulatkan kecil-kecil supaya mudah ditelan. Telanlah 3 kali sehari
Menghaluskan Kulit Kaki dan Tangan
Setiap pagi atau malam, sapulah minyak kelapa di kaki atau tangan. Biarkan selama 20 menit.Setelah itu, digosokkan dgn hampas kelapa. Kemudian basuhkan dengan air panas suam, lapkan dgn kain handuk.
Mengatasi Pecah Pada Jari
Bagi mengatasi masalah pecah-pecah pada jari tangan atau kaki, campur sedikit garam bersama santan kelapa. sapukan pada bahagian jari yang pecah-pecah. lakukan selalu dan lihat hasilnya.
Membersihkan Daki Pada Badan
Gosok hampas kelapa pada keseluruhan badan untuk menanggalkan daki dan sisa kotoran terutama sekali di bawah ketiak, leher dan di pangkal paha. Untuk kaki yang kasar dan pecah, hampas kelapa perlu dibungkus dan gosokkan tumit ke atasnya
Kulit Cerah dan Licin
Ambil sebiji limau nipis dan dibelah dua. Semasa mandi, gosokkan pada muka dan seluruh badan. Insyaallah, kulit akan cerah, licin dan harum.
Mencegah Kulit Bersisik
Ambil segelas air kelapa muda, dua sudu air limau kasturi dan suku gelas madu lebah. Campurkan bahan ini dan panaskan seketika tetapi jgn sampai mendidih karena ia akan merosakkan khasiatnya. Minum 2 kali sehari dan amalkan sehingga kulit bersisik tadi mengelupas.InsyaAllah akan mendapat kulit yang lebih halus dan licin.
Menghasilkan Kulit Cantik
Minum air campuran pucuk pegaga dan lobak merah yang telah dihancurkan
Mengatasi Tumit Pecah dan Merekah
Petua 1 :
Gosokkan tumit kaki yg merekah pada permukaan semen yg kasar. Lakukan beberapa kali dalam seminggu dan InsyaAllah tumit kaki anda tidak akan nampak merekah lagi. Namun, sewaktu menggosok tumit pada semen di lantai, jgn terlalu kasar. Gosok perlahan-lahan selama beberapa minit
Petua 2 :
Gosokkan tumit kaki dengan menggunakan belimbing buluh. lakukan sebelum mandi.
Menghilangkan Parut Campak/Cacar ( Chicken Pox )
Petua 1 :
Pada tanda yang berlubang, sapukan lendir kulit pisang. Cuba setiap hari setelah cacar tersebut kering. Manakala pada tanda hitam,tumbuk kacang hijau sehingga jadi debu dan sapukan pada bahagian tersebut seperti bedak. Insyaallah
Petua 2 :
Parut sebiji jagung muda hingga lumat. Sapukan pada bekas demam campak. Lakukan selama beberapa hari.
Melembutkan Rambut
Petua 1 :
Ambil seikat kangkung dan bersihkan. Masukkan dlm mangkok. campur air angat dan ramas kangkung hingga mengeluarkan lendir. Lendir itu sapukan pada seluruh rambut dan biarkan seketika. Kemudian bilas rambut dengan air bersih.Lakukan selama dua minggu
Petua 2 :
Parut 5 buah limau nipis bersama dengan kulitnya hingga halus. remas sapukan airnya di kepala ketika mandi . Kemudian, cuci bersih
Mewangikan Rambut
Hiris dua buah limau nipis tipis-tipis secara melintang. Kemudian gosokkan ke kulit kepala yang telah dibasahkan. Gosok rata sehingga air limau meresap ke akar rambut. Biarkan beberapa menit sebelum dibilas. Lakukan setiap kali sebelum mandi.
Melebatkan Rambut
Ambil daun bunga raya yg bersih, ramas sehingga keluar lendir. Ambil lendirnya dan campurkan dgn sebiji telur ayam kampung beserta satu Sapu madu lebah. sapukan pada rambut anda. Tutup kepala lebih kurang 10 menit dan kemudian cuci dan bilas rambut sehingga kering.lakukan dua kali seminggu
Menghindarkan Rambut Gugur
Petua 1 :
Ambil lemak ayam dan masak sehingga menjadi minyak. Sapukan ke kulit kepala sebaiknya pada waktu malam.
Petua 2 :
Rendamkan kacang hijau semalaman. Tapis dan gunakan airnya utk disapu atas kulit kepala sambil dipicit perlahan2. lakukan selalu hingga rambut baru kelihatan tumbuh. Di samping itu, jgn suka mengikat rambut dgn kuat.
Meluruskan Rambut
Petua 1 :
Perah sebiji kelapa dan ambil saripatinya sahaja. Campurkan dgn air limau nipis. Simpan santan pekat ini di dalam kulkas sehingga atasnya menyerupai krim. Gunakan krim ini utk disapukan pada kulit kepala dan rambut keseluruhannya.Tutup kepala dgn kain sehingga 1 jam barulah dibilas dgn bersih. Lakukan 3 kali seminggu. Anda akan dapati rambut kerinting akan lurus sedikit demi sedikit
Petua 2 :
Ambil buah nanas yang manis. Lumatkan dan ambil airnya. Peram air nanas itu semalaman. Selepas itu lumurkan ke atas kepala dan biarkan selama 15 menit. Kemudian basuh dengan shampoo sehingga bersih
Menguatkan Akar Rambut
Parut lobak merah dan perah airnya. Air perahannya digunakan untuk mendinginkan kulit kepala. Caranya basahkan kepala dengan air lobak merah dan urut perlahan-lahan. lakukan selalu bagi menguatkan akar rambut.
Rambut Bercabang
Petua 1 :
Ramas daun pinang. Kemudian, campurkan sedikit garam kasar dan air. Sapukan pada rambut. Biarkan 30 minit. Bilas dengan air bersih. Lakukan 2 minggu sekali
Petua 2 :
Tumbuk daun inai dan lumurkan di seluruh rambut anda. Tunggu sehingga sejam baru dibasuh dan dibilas.
Mengilatkan Dan Menghitamkan Rambut
Petua 1 :
Ambil segenggam kelapa yang baru diparut (yang bersih). Ketika mandi, kelapa itu hendaklah digosok rata-rata pada bahagian rambut, dijadikan seperti syampu setiap hari ketika mandi. Rambut anda menjadi hitam berkilat
Petua 2 :
Ambil daun ati-ati dan tumbuk jadikan air. Sapukan pada rambut, kemudian basuh dan bilas supaya hitam berkilat
Menghitamkan Uban
Masalah uban turut dialami oleh mereka yang masih muda. Untuk menghitamkan uban, ambil segenggam daun kari. Tumbuk hingga lumat. Kemudian, gaulkan dalam santan pekat. Rebuskan hingga menjadi minyak. Selepas itu disapu pada rambut setiap hari.
Mencerahkan Ketiak
Ketiak hitam dan berbau amat memalukan. Coba petuah ini. Campur sedikit kapur sirih bersama perahan limau nipis. Sapukan pada ketiak setelah anda selesai mandi. lakukan selalu dan ketiak anda akan cerah dan tidak berbau lagi
Menghilangkan Bulu Ketiak
Petua 1 :
Langkah pertama ialah dengan mencabut bulu ketiak keseluruhannya. Kemudian, ambil ibu kunyit dan celupkan ke dalam kapur sirih dan gosok pada ketiak. Kemudian basuh. InsyaAllah dgn cara ini, bulu ketiak akan hilang.
Petua 2 :
Ambil 20 biji jintan putih dan sedikit kapur barus. aduk rata dengan air perahan limau purut. Sapukan pada ketiak setelah bercukur, setelah disapu beberapa kali ia akan berhasil.
Petua 3 :
Tumbuk sedikit serbuk lada sulah dan tiga butir kapur barus. Campurkan dengan sedikit minyak kelapa. Sapukan pada ketiak setiap malam sebelum tidur. Lama-kelamaan bulu ketiak akan gugur dengan sendirinya.
Menghilangkan Bau Ketiak
Petua 1 :
Ambil hampas teh dan garam halus. Campurkan kedua-dua bahan ini dan sapu pada ketiak. Ia hendaklah dilakukan 2 kali seminggu.
Petua 2 :
Rebus lima helai daun sireh dan lima kuntum bunga kenanga. Didihkan airnya tinggal separuh gelas. Tapis dan campur gula merah lakukan meminumnya 2 kali seminggu.
Petua 3 :
Rebus beberapa helai daun limau kasturi dengan sedikit air. Tapiskan airnya dan lakukan meminumnya setiap hari
Petua 4 :
Tumbuk daun sirih dengan sedikit tawas hingga lumat. Sapukan pada ketiak. Biarkan beberapa menit sebelum mandi. Bersihkan dengan air sabun dan air biasa. lakukan dua kali seminggu
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Petua Kecantikan 7
Posted by farahsza at 10:24 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan
Petua Kecantikan 6
Awet Muda
Petua 1 :
lakukan memakan ulaman yang segar dan buah-buahan tempatan dapat membantu kita mengekalkan kesehatan dan akan kelihatan lebih muda dari usia sebenarnya. lakukan memakan daun pegaga selama beberapa minggu dan anda akan lihat hasilnya
Petua 2 :
Ambil 2 helai pucuk betik, 2 inci kunyit hidup, 2 inci lempoyang, 2 inci isi cekor dan satu cawan air masak. Bahan2 ini dikisar lumat dan ditapis. Minum ramuan ini setiap hari. Hasilnya wajah anda lebih bersih, berseri dan kulit cantik.
Menegangkan Kulit Muka
Petua 1 :
Ambil tepung ubi kayu dan timun.Timun itu hendaklah dihancurkan terlebih dahulu atau dilumatkan. Kemudian campurkan kedua-duanya dengan air sedikit. Kacau rata dan jangan terlalu cair. Selepas itu, sapukan ke muka dan biarkan ia kering.Kemudian basuh. Dengan cara ini ia dapat menegangkan kulit muka serta memutihkan wajah dan menjadikan kulit kita segar
Petua 2 :
Campurkan sedikit bedak sejuk dan beberapa titik air limau nipis. Campurkan bersama sedikit air dan sapukan ke muka. Kulit akan terasa pedih sedikit. lakukan dalam masa seminggu untuk melihat perubahannya
Menghaluskan Kulit Muka
Petua 1 :
Buah tomato dikisar halus. Lumurkan pada muka . Sebaiknya dilakukan pada waktu malam. . Setelah agak lama, cuci muka dgn air hangat. Buah tomato ini juga berfungsi utk membersihkan kulit.
Petua 2 :
Campur sedikit asam jawa bersama air dan sesendok tepung ubi. Kacau sehingga ia menjadi larutan pekat. Pupurkan kepada muka yang telah dibersihkan. Biarkan ia mengering lebih kurang lima belas menit. Selepas itu barulah dibilas
Petua 3 :
Didihkan susu segar atau pun susu tepung bercampur air. Biarkan ia dingin lalu disapukan kepada muka. Biarkan kering lalu dibasuh dengan air bersih.
Melembabkan Muka
Ambil beberapa kelopak kobis, tumbuk hingga lumat. Kobis tadi dicampurkan dengan madu. Tempelkan pada muka. lakukan selama seminggu dan anda akan merasakan perbedaan pada kulit anda. Kulit anda akan menjadi lebih lembut dan masalah kulit kering akan diatasi.
Menghilangkan Bintik Hitam
Petua 1 :
Sapukan ubat gigi pada kawasan bintik hitam pada wajah anda sebelum masuk tidur. Warna bintik-bintik hitam akan beransur pudar dan menjernihkan wajah anda sekaligus.
Petua 2 :
Rendamkan sehelai tisu ke dalam dua biji putih telur. Tempelkan tisu tersebut pada tempat yang ditumbuhi bintik-bintik hitam. Setelah kering tanggalkan. Basuh muka dengan air bersih dan pencuci muka. Lakukan 2 kali seminggu.
Mencantikkan Kulit Muka
Petua 1 :
Sapukan putih telur ke muka anda dan biarkan selama 10 minit. Cuci dengan air bersih. Lakukan seminggu sekali.
Petua 2 :
Cuci muka dengan air hangat dan sapukan limau nipis dan basuh sekali lagi kemudian lapkan dgn kain yg bersih. Lakukan sekali sehari insyaallah kulit muka anda tidak ditumbuhi jerawat dan menegangkan kulit muka yang kendur.
Petua 3 :
Amalkan mencuci muka setiap pagi dengan daun teh yang sudah direndam. Sapukan teh tersebut ke muka anda, 10 menit kemudian cucilah dengan air bersih
Menegangkan Kulit Muka Dan Menghilang Jerawat
Rebus segenggam biji manjakani di dalam periuk tanah sehingga menggelegak dan pekat. Kemudian tunggu sehingga hangat, sapukan pada wajah atau bahagian kulit yg anda inginkan. Tunggu sehingga kering dan cuci sehingga bersih. Amalkan setiap hari
Menghilangkan Jerawat
Petua 1 :
Ambil sedikit asam jawa dan beberapa inci kunyit hidup . Tumbuk kunyit itu dan campurkan dengan asam jawa dan sedikit air . Setelah campuran itu merata, sapu ratakan ke seluruh muka anda . Biarkan kira-kira 20 menit . Kemudian ketika anda mandi , basuhlah dengan bersih . Jika selalu diamalkan , muka anda akan sukar ditumbuhi jerawat dan kulit menjadi lebih halus
Petua 2 :
Campurkan air limau nipis dengan satu sendok minyak masak . Sebelum tidur , sapukan campuran tadi ke seluruh muka anda. Sekiranya anda merasa pedih , itu hanya sementara . Esoknya , ambil beberapa keping asam gelugur (asam keping) dan rendam dalam air panas . Setelah dingin atau hangat , basuhlah muka anda dengan air itu . Ambil asam dan gosokkan ke seluruh muka anda . Kuatkan gosokan anda pada tempat -tempat yang berparut. Biarkan beberapa menit , kemudian basuh dengan air biasa. InsyaAllah , muka anda akan menjadi licin dan bersih
Petua 3 :
Campur bedak sejuk dengan garam dan air asam jawa. Selawat pada Nabi 3 kali. Sapukan di muka dan di tempat jerawat. InsyaAllah, jerawat akan berangsur hilang.
Petua 4 :
Hilangkan jerawat dengan sebungkus daun teh (masih hijau). Didihkan kemudian lekatkan ke jerawat.
Petua 5 :
Bersihkan muka. Kemudian cuci dengan air kelapa tua. Biarkan ia kering sendiri. Bilas dengan air bersih. lakukan 3 kali seminggu
Petua 6 :
Sejukkan sedikit kanji nasi. Sapukan pada jerawat dan biarkan ia kering di muka. Cuci dengan air hangat. Amalkan setiap hari sehingga jerawat berkurangan.
Petua 7 :
Basuh muka dengan air basuhan beras. Setelah kering cuci dengan air bersih. Amalkan selalu.
Petua 8 :
Campurkan putih telur ayam lampung bersama satu senduk tepung jagung dan minyak zaitun. aduk rata dan kemudian sapukan ke seluruh muka. Biarkan sehingga kering dan kemudian bilas dengan air hangat. Ia bagus untuk kulit bermasalah dan membantu mengatasi jerawat. Amalkan 2 kali seminggu
Petua 9 :
Sapukan sedikit larutan tepung kanji bercampur air di sekeliling jerawat yang timbul. InsyaAllah ia akan mematikan pertumbuhan jerawat.
Petua 10 :
Kisarkan segenggam dua kacang hijau sehingga halus. Untuk mendapatkan tekstur yang halus dan gebu, kacang hijau yang dikisar itu perlu ditapis (guna penapis yang agak jarang). Serbuk kacang hijau ini digunakan dengan cara mencampurkannya dengan sedikit air dan kemudian sapukan ke seluruh bahagian muka sebelum mandi pada setiap hari. Ramuannya jangan terlalu pekat dan jangan terlalu cair. Sedang-sedang ajer. Biarkan sehingga kering barulah dicuci. Gunakan air suam sahaja untuk mencuci muka. Amalkan petua ini sekali setiap hari. Ia juga boleh digunakan untuk menghilangkan jerawat di badan (yang biasanya terjadi di bahagian belakang badan). Cara penggunaannya adalah sama dengan cara di atas kecuali anda memerlukan orang lain untuk menyapukanya!
Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat
Petua 1 :
Ambil sepotong ubi kayu. Kupas kulitnya. Buang kulitnya. Bersihkan. Parutkan. Perah untuk dapatkan airnya. Sapukan air perahan pada muka anda yang ada bekas jerawat. Lakukan setiap hari selama seminggu. Insya-Allah, kesannya memuaskan
Petua 2 :
Tumbuk beberapa batang kulit kayu manis dan jadikan serbuk. Campurkan dengan sedikit air. Sapukan pada bekas jerawat. Amalkan selama seminggu.
Petua 3 :
Ambil 10 helai daun sirih muda, Bersihkan dan tumbuk lumat. Muka hendaklah dibersihkan dengan air hangat dan sapukan sirih pada muka terutama di bahagian bekas jerawat. Biarkan kira-kira setengah jam atau hingga kering. Cuci muka bersih-bersih dan lap kering. Amalkan 3 kali seminggu.
Petua 4 :
Daun pegaga dikisar dengan bedak sejuk dan air secukupnya. Sapukan adunan tersebut di tempat tanda hitam parut jerawat di muka anda setiap hari atau setiap malam sebelum tidur. Campuran kisaran pegaga dan bedak sejuk tersebut boleh disimpan di dalam peti sejuk dengan memasukkannya ke dalam botol yang kering
Petua 5 :
Asah kulit kayu manis dan campurkan dengan madu lebah. Tempelkan pada muka yang berparut setiap malam. Esoknya, cucilah dengan air hangat
Petua 6 :
Tumbuk sepuluh helai daun sirih muda. Tempelkan pada muka terutama bekas jerawat. Setelah kering, cuci muka dengan air bersih. Amalkan 3 kali seminggu.
Petua 7 :
Kisar timun dan tapis airnya.Tampalkan hampas timun pada wajah yang berparut. Biarkan setengah jam. Kemudian cuci dengan air hangat.
Wajah berseri-seri
Basuhkan muka anda dengan menggunakan air basuhan beras yang ke tiga. Bilas dengan air bersih setelah sepuluh menit.
Melicinkan dan Memerahkan Kulit Muka
Ambil sebiji buah tomato masak,lecek hingga halus. Kemudian pupurkan di seluruh muka. Biarkan mengering selama 20 minit. Bilas dengan air bersih. Amalkan seminggu 2/3 kali.
Mengurangkan Bintik Putih
Petua 1 :
Ambil beberapa biji badam dan campurkan dengan kulit oren. blender bahan itu hingga lumat. Kemudian, ambil sedikit bahan ini dan campurkan dengan sedikit air. Gosoklah ke muka anda dan di tempat-tempat yang ada bintik putih. InsyaAllah jika rajin mengamalkannya, bintik2 putih di muka akan berkurangan
Petua 2 :
Ambil beras pulut dan cuci bersih. Toskan sehingga kering airnya. Tumbuk2 beras pulut tersebut dan diayak halus. Gunakan beras ini utk mencuci muka. Basahkan muka dan gosok beras ini pada kulit perlahan2 selama 5 menit. Cuci hingga bersih. InsyaAllah wajah akan lebih halus, licin dan tiada lagi bintik2 putih.
Merawat Kulit Mencegah Kerut
Petua 1 :
Parutkan sebatang lobak merah yang telah dibersihkan,lalu dicampurkan bersama sesedu tepung jagung dan sebiji kuning telur. lalu dioleskan kepada kulit sekali sehari.
Petua 2 :
Utk mengurangkan garis halus di wajah, ratakan selapis madu pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15-20 menit. Bersihkan menggunakan kapas yang dibasahkan dengan air (sebaik-baiknya air hujan). Jika kulit berminyak, campurkan beberapa tetes jus lemon ke dalam madu sebelum disapukan pada wajah.
Posted by farahsza at 10:20 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan
Nutrition Facts in Fruits and Vegetables 2
Peaches are actually native to China, but are grown in most countries with a fairly mild climate. They are a much milder tasting fruit than apples or oranges and have very little acidity meaning they are less likely to cause stomach upsets with people. As well as other nutrients, peaches are particularly high in vitamin A and potassium. Vitamin A is useful for our eye sight, demonstrating how a full and healthy intake of vitamins helps every aspect of general health. It is also used in protein synthesis and heightens overall anabolism (muscle building potential). It is a particularly important vitamin to find in your diet as most Westeners have been shown to be in low supply. They also contain vitamin B, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron and phosphorous and potassium.
Peaches have been noted for being particularly good for healthy and colourful complexions. They are also good for those trying to lose weight as they are mostly water and fibre and also have mild laxative and diuretic effects. They are also good as mild sedatives and can be a great remedy for hyperactive children.
Plums are related to peaches and cherries and again are rich in fibre. They come in a particularly wide variety of colours and can be found sporting red, blue, black, purple, green, yellow or amber skins (and can also be bought dried out as ‘prines’ which are high in phytonutrients – neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid that act as antioxidants). They originate in Asia but today are grown across the globe. They are a particularly refreshing fruit and also contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and citric acid.
Plums also help the production and absorption of iron in the human body which improved circulation, strength, healthy tissue and aerobic fitness. They also fight macular degeneration and heart disease.
Grapes are excellent sources of the vitamins A, C, B6 and folate as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorous, selenium, magnesium and iron. They also contain flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants that are responsible for the often-touted antioxidant benefits of wine. Their small size makes them practical and sweet snacks that also provide energy. Dried as raisins they become even more practical snacks that are a great source of carbs and energy as well as the aforementioned antioxidants and fibre. Grape juice can also be used as a great cure for migraines.
Carrots are sweet vegetables that are practical and tasty with many nutritional and medicinal values. Carrots are ‘edible root’ vegetables that originate from Asia. They are great sources of fibre, vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, K and biotin, potassium and thiamine. They are also the best source of beta-carotene out of the major vegetables. This has been shown to have excellent cancer-beating properties and those with a deficiency are thought to have up to twice the risk of developing cancer. Carrots are also well known for their ability to help you ‘see in the dark’ (a good way to encourage kids to eat them) which is partly due to the positive effects of vitamin A on eyesight (beta carotene is easily converted to vitamin A).
Carrot is also a fat soluble substance so is eaten best with oil to help the body utilise the nutrients. Similarly, eating the carrots raw will ensure that they maintain more of their beneficial vitamins and minerals (they’re also quicker and easier to eat this way and make a great quick snack if you haven’t had any vegetables recently).
Unfortunately potatoes don’t count as one of your five fruits and vegetables due to their different makeup. They have many, many other health though benefits so shouldn’t be written off completely. They’re also incredibly versatile and make up a key part of many main meals. They are filling, savoury, non-fattening and can be eaten in a variety of ways: fried, baked, boiled, mashed or roasted.
Potatoes are densely packed with nutrients, and are a great source of fibre being half soluble and half insoluble. This helps them lower blood pressure, along with the flavanoids and kukoamine that they also contain. Flavanoids have also been shown to help protect against memory loss. While they lack vitamin A, they still contain almost every other nutrient. Unfortunately much of the vitamin C is lost when you cook potatoes, but a baked potato will still provide you with vitamin B6, potassium, iron and copper. They also provide a fairly large amount of sodium, which helps with the distribution of water in the body and also works alongside potassium to help muscle contractions and prevent cramping.
It is often the preparation methods that give potatoes their bad name as we often cover them in salt and cooking fat. To avoid this, bake rather than fry your potatoes and use vegetable oil when you do.
Peas / Beans
Peas are a vegetable source of protein along with beans making them a great source of amino acids for vegetarians. They also supply B vitamins, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and fibre (particularly when dried). These are two of the main ingredients found in quorn, but vegetarians should be aware that they don’t contain as many amino acids or have as high biological value as animal sources of protein.
Sprouts are well known for their health benefits and also have curative ability helping to cure several conditions. They are closely related to radish and broccoli and have many of the same properties, being high in phytochemicals (plant-based nutrients).
They have been shown to be helpful in aiding osteoporosis, menopause, PMS and fibrocystic breast tumours due to their large amount of estrogens. Alflalfa sprouts have been shown to contain canavanine in high doses which can benefit pancreatic, colon and lukemia cancer. Another unusual sounding one, ‘saponins’, are also high in sprouts which stimulate the immune system to increase protection of T-lymphocytes and interferon – which help protect vertebrates in response to viruses, parasites and tumor cells (alfalfa sprouts contain almost 450% more saponin making these the most potently beneficial form). They are also abundant in antioxidants so protecting against damage to the DNA and making them generally great defenders against all kinds of illness and age related degeneration.
When you’re told to eat your greens, broccoli is often one of the common culprits, which is just as well considering the vast nutritional benefits it carries with it. In particular it is high in beat carotene (which is converted into vitamin A) and vitamin C as well as folic acid, calcium and fibre. It is actually particularly important as a source of calcium containing almost as much as a glass of milk making it great for those who don’t eat dairy. This helps to build strong bones and connective tissue and promotes healthy nails and teeth. Furthermore it strengthens contractions and beats high blood pressure and colon cancer.
Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family and provides many of the same benefits. A ‘cruciferous vegetable’ it contains important phytochemicals called ‘indoles’ and ‘isothiocyanates’ which helps protect against cancer. They’re also high in iron which is crucial for the transport of oxygen around the body as the main compound in haemoglobin and myoglobin (the red blood cells). This provides us with oxidative energy and helps our body to deliver other essential nutrients.
This list wouldn’t be complete without cabbage which is one of the least calorific vegetables available. Some claims even state that chewing cabbage burns more calories than you gain from eating it! This makes it a ‘negative calorie food’ and great for dieting. Whether or not this is true, cabbage contains large amounts of glutamine – an amino acid with anti-inflammatory properties. Hence in ‘folk’ medicine cabbage is used to treat inflammation by being wrapped around affected areas – some even use it to treat sore breasts for breast-feeding mothers! It is also a great source of calcium and iron – all the mineral benefits with none of the calorific cost. It’s also shown to have oestrogen combating properties leading to more testosterone as a result. This is good for muscle mass, drive and sexual potency and is particularly useful for bodybuilders and gym-goers. Finally, as a source of indole-3-carbinol (I3C), it can be used to treat recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, a disease that affects the head and neck that’s potentially fatal! Cabbage juice has also been shown to promote the healing of peptic ulcers making it all round something of a miracle vegetable!
Saving (one of) the best until last, spinach will immediately increase your biceps by up to thirty percent and help you save the day… if Popeye is to be believed anyway… Actually the rumour that spinach had such fantastic health properties came from a misplaced decimal point – though that isn’t to say they aren’t still highly useful.
Spinach is a great source of calcium and one of the best sources of iron. Its iron content as discussed is crucial for helping the transport of oxygen and nutrients around the blood and is the key compound in the red blood cells. Iron is also useful however for strengthening bones, increasing muscle strength. Iron is often low in women who are going through PMT as it is lost in the blood. To check for low iron look at your nail beds and under your lower eyelid – if they look pale then you could do with some spinach! This iron however is non-heme iron, which essentially means it is best absorbed with vitamin C to get the full effects. So eat spinach along with other vegetables or fruits. Spinach is also rich in antioxidants as well as: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, vitamin B2, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, folic acid, copper, protein, phosphorus, zinc, niacin, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid. Quite impressive. Be strong to the finish and eat your spinach!
Posted by farahsza at 3:42 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan
Nutrition Facts in Fruits and Vegetables 1
Governments and health officials recommend getting five to seven portions of fruit and vegetable a day. The reason for this is that in the wild we’d have actually survived from mostly fruits and vegetables, meaning that we’re designed to consume at least that amount a day. The nutrition facts in fruits and vegetables show how many important vitamins, minerals and other nutrients they contain and so explain why they were and are so important. Each fruit and veg however has different things to offer, and by selecting precisely which you eat you can control which benefits your body gets.
The saying goes that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, and while it’s probably not 100% effective, eating one at least every day will give you a massive health boost. Not only are they tasty and easily portable, but they’re also a great way to freshen yourself up and so rich in vitamins are they that you can almost feel yourself getting healthier. There are also a good selection of apples to choose from, green or red, granny smith or red delicious… there’s an apple for everyone’s tastes!
Apples are also a great source of fibre, both soluble and insoluble. These have different uses for the body and while the soluble fibre (another example of soluble fibre is protein) will help prevent the build of cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, insoluble fibre will provide you with bulk in the intestinal and digestive tract which will clean the system to help food travel through it more quickly and efficiently.
Apples, like oranges are also particularly known for their high quantity of vitamin C which helps the body to fight illness by boosting the immune system – and this is really where the saying comes from, vitamin C is a great way to guard against colds, flu and other viruses. Furthermore, vitamin C is an antioxidant meaning that it helps protect the cell walls against mutation and other damage – even fighting age and cancer! Much of this vitamin C is kept just beneath the apple’s skin, which is also high in insoluble fibre – so it’s advisable to eat them whole rather than peeling them. Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate 4 can all be found in apples.
High in energy and low in calories they also make a great snack for after lunch to help see you through your day.
Pear is a particularly tasty and soft fruit that is related to apples, evident by the core which contains the seeds. They are a great source of a large variety of vitamins and minerals including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Not only do they have the benefits of the vitamin C and fibre but also vitamin B6, which is a great energy booster used for improving the body’s utilisation of energy stored in carbs.
This vitamin B6 works particularly well as an energy enhancer combined with the high amounts of glucose and fructose that they also contain. Again many of the vitamins are contained in and around the skin… but then who seriously peels a pear anyway? Studies on pears have also demonstrated that they may help protect women against breast cancer, lower the risk of macular degeneration due to age (troubles with eyesight) and lower blood pressure and the chances of a stroke. They have also been shown to be good for the colon and again lowering colestrol.
The Boron in pears also serves another role, aiding in the retention of calcium (which they also contain). This makes them great for a variety of purposes – strengthening muscle contractions, building bone and ligaments and improving the condition of health and nails (you can spot a calcium deficiency by the white marks that sometimes adorn the nails).
Baring this in mind, pears are actually one of the healthiest fruits of all, which is why it’s a shame that they aren’t as commonly found in family fruit bowls as apples, bananas and oranges. This is possibly due to their quick ripening and easily bruised skin. Try keeping them in the fridge to prevent these problems.
Orange is another fruit that’s quick and easy to eat along with its close relatives clementines, mandarins and satsumas. They are an even better source of vitamin C than apples making them great antioxidants and for strengthening the immune system. ‘Oxidisation’ of the cells essentially describes our body rusting and (in reality it’s the cells being battered by free radicals). This slowly wears them down and hampers their ability to divide accurately and is what over time leads to the affects of ageing. Vitamin C works by protecting against this process. They also contain vitamin A and B and like pears help with the absorption of calcium (which they also contain). They are also a good source of iron, sodium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and sulphur.
Mangos are another fruit that many people don’t eat as often as others. Again it’s a shame as mangos are actually one of the sweetest and softest fruits out there. They are also a great source of copper, potassium, manganese, calcium, selenium, iron, phosphorous and magnesium. The also contain one of the widest range of vitamins including C, A, E, B and K. The less ripe the mango the more rich in these vitamins it will be.
The banana is definitely the odd one out when it comes to fruit and is unique in many ways. Firstly, the banana does not actually come from trees, but large plants that are themselves herbs related to the lily and orchid family. In this way they are somewhat like a cross between fruit and vegetables. They also look unusual and are easy to peel, making them particularly practical to carry in a lunch box etc.
Bananas in particular are a great way to get a shot of instant energy. Like most fruits bananas contain no fat, cholesterol or sodium but are high in sugar and complex carbs giving them the same energy boosting properties as less healthy snacks (with a longer lasting high and less come down). They are also particularly tasty making a great substitute for chocolates or sweets. If you are going for a run then a banana is great one hour before for maximum energy release, likewise they are great with breakfast to keep you going through the morning or as a lunch-break snack to help you through your afternoon slump and improve productivity.
As well as containing low fat carbs, bananas again contain vitamin B6 meaning your body can utilise these carbs to the fullest and gets an immediate re-energise – a lack of vitamin B6 can lead to weakness, low mood and insomnia. Like other fruits mentioned here, they are again good sources of vitamin C and fibre. Bananas are also a particularly good source of potassium (giving you around 400mg in a regular sized banana) which can help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke. Potassium also helps muscle contractions, and if you suffer from cramp then eating bananas is a great way to combat against the problem. They are also particularly easy to digest (which couple with their sweet taste makes them great as a snack for babies and young toddlers).
Even more impressive, and making bananas one of the top fruits for all-round goodness, is that bananas have been shown to contain serotonin and norepinephrine – two ‘feel good’ hormones that make them excellent for lifting the mood. The humble banana has actually been shown to be a quite effective anti-depressant and help sufferers with depression. Further, this mood-boosting effect further helps with the energy high banas provide. A dose of banana and sunlight can be a great remedy for feeling down.
Posted by farahsza at 3:38 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan
Home Remedies for Acne
Do you suffer from acne? There is no need to try out all possible chemical concoctions available in the market to get rid of acne. A few simple home remedies will go a long way in helping you deal with acne.
Listed below are some good home remedies for acne. They are also tried and tested of course.
• Apply a paste of nutmeg and milk over the acne affected region. Leave it on for 1 or 2 hours.
• Combine honey with cinnamon to get a great cure for pimples.
• Make a pack of blackberry, raspberry and strawberry leaves boiled in water and apply on your skin.
• Take the remains from used tea bags and mix with basil leaves and apply over acne affected regions.
• Mix gram flour with milk to get a paste that works wonders for acne.
• Simply make a paste of ripe tomatoes and apply over the acne affected areas.
• Make an orange face pack by drying orange peels, powder them and mix with water to get a smooth paste.
• Garlic has antibacterial properties. Rub a clove of fresh garlic over pimples and watch them disappear.
• Soak fenugreek or lettuce leaves in water overnight and wash your face using the water next morning.
• Witch hazel and tea tree oil are also good remedies for acne.
• A mixture of lime juice and rose water can be applied over pimples to reduce acne.
• Buy fresh mint leaves and grind to extract the juice. This juice can be applied over the acne affected region.
• Turmeric is also an effective anti-bacterial. Mix turmeric with any of the above remedies to enhance their efficacy.
• If you have aloe vera in your garden, you have a good treatment for acne right there in your backyard or garden. Apply aloe vera gel over your face for fresh and blemish free skin.
• A mixture of yoghurt and oatmeal can be used as scrub for your face.
• A paste made of sandalwood and rosewater makes a great face pack for acne.
• You can use pomegranate to treat acne. Dry and powder the skin of pomegranate to make a paste with rose water or lime juice or mint juice and apply over your face.
• A paste made of neem leaves in combination with lime juice, mint juice or rose water is effective against acne.
• You may find it hard to believe but something you use daily can be a good cure for acne. Yes, toothpaste is believed to be effective in treating acne.
• Calamine lotion or milk of magnesia can be dabbed onto cotton balls and applied over acne prone regions.
• Steep basil leaves in hot water and after cooling; use the water to wash your face.
• A face pack made using egg white, honey and lemon juice can be applied on your face to combat acne.
• A mixture of lemon juice and cucumber juice is effective in treating acne.
• Wash your face with an antibacterial face wash and apply virgin olive oil and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then rinse away the oil and pat dry your skin.
If you have very severe acne, you can combine medications prescribed by your doctor in combination with a home remedy that suits you. Remember, home remedies which are effective for one person need not necessarily be effective for someone else. Choosing a good home remedy for your skin is a matter of trial and error.
Posted by farahsza at 3:34 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan
Skin Vitamins for Healthy Skin
Most of you do not consider skin as an essential organ and do not pay much attention to take care of it. But the fact is that skin is the largest organ of the body, and a high degree of attention is in demand. The only secret for a healthy body and ultimately healthy organs is having a balanced diet rich in all nutrients. For a bright skin, it is essential to flush all the free radicals off the body. It can be achieved by having foods that are rich in antioxidants.
Let’s discuss on some of the nutritional requirements especially the vitamins for a healthy skin.
Vitamin A: Most of you know Vitamin A, the vitamin that is essential for good functioning of eyes. Good news for people with acne is, Vitamin A helps to reduce the secretion of sebum and controls acne. It functions as an anti-oxidizing agent, eliminating the toxic free radicals generated by various metabolic activities and even helps in rejuvenating the skin cells. About 10,000 IU of daily intake of Vitamin A is found to help fight against acne.
Vitamin B Complex: Stress plays a great role in altering the secretion of hormones that in turn result in increased secretion of sebum, causative factor of acne. The B-Complex group of vitamins is found to reduce stress and hence help to prevent acne. To fight against acne, it is essential to take approximately 100 mg of B-Complex vitamins. Thiamin with its antioxidant properties helps to eliminate the toxins from the body. Riboflavin in association with Vitamin A strengthens the mucous membrane. Niacinamide helps to improve the circulation throughout the body.
Vitamin C: Its excellent anti-oxidant property helps to fight against acne by eliminating the toxins off the body. It even helps to develop the immune system and fights against skin infections. Vitamin C plays role in collagen production and the skin remains firm if Vitamin C is consumed in required amounts. It is recommended to consume about 500 to 1000 mg of Vitamin C thrice a day for a healthy skin, free of acne.
Vitamin E: Another vitamin with anti-oxidant property. It helps in healing and tissue repair. It is found to have healing action of wounds caused by burns or cuts and inflammation. It is recommended to consume about 400 IU daily to have a healthy skin.
Given the importance of various vitamins for a healthy skin it is essential to have a diet rich in all the vitamins. If you are a person who doesn’t pay much attention to diet then it is recommended to take multivitamin tablets regularly.
Coming to the natural sources of these vitamins, fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins. In particular:
• Vitamin A - Egg yolk, carotene rich vegetables like carrot, fruits like papaya and dairy products that are rich sources.
• Vitamin B - Poultry, fish, whole grains, pulses, leafy vegetables, meat and dairy products, which are rich sources of vitamin B-complex.
• Vitamin C - Citrus fruits, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes have good amount of vitamin C.
• Vitamin E - Green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil, whole grains, and nuts have abundant amount of Vitamin E.
Include appropriate amounts of the above foods in your regular diet and enjoy the beauty of your skin.
Posted by farahsza at 3:33 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan
Beauty Foods That Will Keep You Young and Healthy
You have heard that old saying "Real beauty comes from inside". Well, at present nutrition experts have proved that you truly are what you eat. Throw away french-fried potatoes and buttery beef burgers. If you prefer to look attractive and spirit young and fit, you will have to eat many kids of fruits and vegetables that have been evidenced to work magically on the human body.
Whether you are on a fat free diet, low carbohydrate diet, high protein diet or no diet, adding these magical foods to your meals should become a must to you as apply your lipstick on your lips in the morning.
For tight and healthy skin eat
Fruits: blueberries, apple, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, oranges, purple grapes
Vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, cucumber, sweet potatoes
For getting rid of black circles around eyes eat
Fruits: All citrus fruits are beneficial as they are best source of vitamin C
Vegetables: broccolis, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese white cabbage, lettuce, spinach, romaine, Indian mustard, white turnip
For strong bones eat
Yogurt, Soya bean, bean curd and drink skim milk
To reduce stress eat
All kinds of beans (navy, pinto, red, black, green etc) should be included in the diet. Additionally you can add snap pea, garden pea, and Egyptian pea.
To supercharge immune system eat
Meat: Turkey, chicken breast and pigeon’s broth
Vegetables: broccoli, turnip leaves, cauliflower, spinach
Drinks: Drink plenty of green or Chinese tea
To avoid ultravoilet and sun damage eat
Vegetables: Love apple (tomato), watermelon
Fruits: Pink grapefruit is the best natural sun block
Eat healthy and look beautiful :)
Posted by farahsza at 12:56 pm 0 comments
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Wrinkles and Sagging Skin
Wrinkles are the thin, creased, and sagging skin that is especially noticeable on the face, neck, and hands. Most wrinkles appear on the parts of the body where sun exposure is greatest. These especially include the face, neck, the backs of the hands, and the tops of the forearms. There's not a magic age when everyone suddenly gets wrinkles. Some people in their 20s have little wrinkles around their eyes from squinting or spending too much time in the sun. Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation or, temporarily, as the result of prolonged immersion in water.
Wrinkling in skin is caused by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors. The hair and nails also change with aging, including graying of the hair, hair loss, and brittleness of the nails. Dry skin with weak collagen and elastin will sag, shrivel, and wrinkle. The skin around the eyelids, jaw, and neck is especially thin, and therefore more naturally prone to aging.
Wind, heat and chemicals and the natural effects of aging cause a certain amount of wrinkling in everyone. Exposure to ultraviolet light, UVA or UVB, from sunlight accounts for 90% of the symptoms of premature skin aging. The dermis has an elastic quality thanks to fibers called elastin that keep the skin looking and feeling young. A protein in the dermis called collagen also plays a part in preventing wrinkles. Changes in the epidermis caused by the sun include thinning of the epidermis and the growth of skin lesions such as actinic keratoses, basal cell carcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas. Sunlight damages collagen fibers and causes the accumulation of abnormal elastin. When this sun-induced elastin accumulates, enzymes called metalloproteinases are produced in large quantities. Habitual facial expressions cause the skin to wrinkle as it looses elasticity.
Treatments and products (including anti-aging creams) promising to reduce, remove, or prevent age-related wrinkles are big business in many industrialized countries.
* Vitamin A Acid has the longest track record of success in treating aging skin and fine lines.
* Creams containing tretinoin must be used on an ongoing basis. They may produce redness and peeling at first, but discomfort can usually be minimized by lowering the cream's concentration or applying it less often until the skin gets used to it.
* Alpha-hydroxy acids: These so-called "fruit acids" include glycolic and lactic acid.
* Antioxidants: These include preparations that contain the vitamins A, C, and E, as well as beta-carotene. Such creams may provide a certain amount of sun protection as well as mild improvement of fine wrinkles.
To minimize skin wrinkling, stay out of the sun as much as possible.
Get Rid of Wrinkles
* Close your lips, take your mouth in the left and then in the right. Practice it 3-4 times.
* Tap the face slowly and lightly with the fingertips to increase the blood circulation.
* Breathing should be proper while doing any of the workouts no matter whether.
* Use your fingers upwards from the lower of your eyes to the sides of the forehead; it relives the stress from the facial muscles.
* Stroke your chin in upward motions using both your thumbs. It helps reducing the double chin. * Blow off air from mouth as you are filling air in a balloon, it's a helpful exercise in filling the flat cheeks.
* Making a smiling face and then holding it for few second and releasing it are as good exercise for the cheeks.
* There are some lightweight, battery operated equipments are available in the market to use for facial exercises.
Posted by farahsza at 12:46 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan
How to Keep Your Skin Young and Healthy
The aging process of the skin is caused by known factors. Skin aging can in great extend be avoided by simple means and aging symptoms in the skin can also often be cured by the same measures. Here are some practical anti-aging measures for the skin presented:
You should enjoy the sunshine with reason. Some daily exposure from sun-rays on the skin will not hurt. On the contrary, it will in fact do your skin good. The skin gets a better colour, and it gets somewhat thicker and more robust. Massive daily exposure, however, has a very disturbing influence on the skin, and will cause all types of skin problems: Wrinkles, brown spots, discolouring, very thin or very thick skin, dry skin and cancer. To keep your skin young and healthy in the long run, you must protect your skin when you are outside for longer times.
You should take some supplement of lecithin or a product containing lecithin. Lecithin is a fatty substance. It is an important constituent of all body tissues. It consists of glycerol, fatty acids, cholin, ethanolamine, inositol and serine. The four latter constituents are working tools used in nerve signal transmission and in tissue regeneration. Lecithin is especially important for the function and regeneration of nerve tissue and the skin. Lecithin also has a cleansing effect upon the skin. It helps the sebaceous gland to produce cleansing secretions. Taking a daily dose of lecithin alone or a product containing lecithin will greatly help to keep the skin young and regenerate the skin from damage.
A dish of fish or seafood at least every second day has proven to keep the skin in good condition and help the skin to avoid sun damage. You should include fat fish, since fat fish has an especially high content of vitamin A and D, important for the skin health.
Using a topical product containing certain types of plant oils or even using some of the pure oils upon the skin daily will make the skin smooth and ease regeneration from damage. Oils that have these effects are: Evening Primrose Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Borage Oil, Soy Oil, Wheat Germ Oil and Olive oil. Pure olive oil of good quality can be used alone upon the skin after the daily wash. The amount needed is very little. Use exactly as much that is needed to saturate the skin and make it smooth.
Using olive oil in your dishes will help to keep your skin young, and help the skin to regenerate from damage and aging symptoms. Olive oil contains much mono-unsaturated acids and much of vitamin E. However, your skin will also need essential poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore you should also consume some amount of other types of oils or supplements containing poly-unsaturated oils especially valuable for your skin. Other plant oils with fatty acids beneficial for your skin are: Evening Primrose Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Borage Oil, Soy Oil, and Wheat Germ Oil.
CLA is a fatty acid produced in the stomach of cows by bacteria, taken up into the cow’s blood-stream and secreted into the milk. This acid has shown to help the skin regenerate from damage and keep the skin in a juvenile state. Taking CLA as a supplement may help you get finer skin, and also help you to keep your weight at a wanted level. Fat milk and diary products also contain CLA and can improve your skin health. However, great amounts of fat diary products are not good for your heart and circulation.
The skin should be washed at least once every day with a mild soap or cleansing product. Men should shave during the wash or after the wash, depending upon the shaving method used. Then you should use some oil or cream to protect your skin and to make it smooth and elastic. Use a product containing natural oils with anti-aging properties. If you suffer from acne or other skin problems, the cleansing product and the protecting cream should contain ingredients to treat this problem.
Before exposing your skin to heavy sunshine for a longer time, you should also use some additional product with sun-shield. If you have used a product with sun-shield or make-up during the day, this should be washed away in the evening, and a new layer of protecting cream laid on.
More basic washing and care that that outlined here, is not necessary, and may in fact damage your skin. The same is true for heavy use of make-up.
Smoking has a very negative effect upon the skin in the long run, and will cause a lot of wrinkles.
Posted by farahsza at 12:41 pm 0 comments
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Natural Herbal Skin Care
Skin is the body’s mirror of our inner health and wellness, both physical and emotional. Skin plays a vital role in our life, how one looks and feels directly correlates to ones skin. A healthy lifestyle reflects on the skin so staying in good physical condition can aid in the good appearance of the skin. There are two sets of glands found in the dermis the sweat glands and the oil glands. The sweat glands are employed in the elimination of the water-soluble cellular waste. The oil glands secrete oil, which lubricates the skin surface. Skin care is very important for women and men of all ages. Proper moisture levels in your skin (epidermis) help diminish signs of aging and distress from the outdoors, and prevent frequent makeup and cosmetics use from diminishing the skin’s glow and general health. Great skin is the first step toward an excellent makeup. One of the most important factors of skin care is skin cleansing. Because of dirt, pollution, residual makeup, etc.
There are different variants of bath lotion for dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin.
Providing the right skin care (including cleansing skin surface of the skin).
All skin care is not created equally. Beautiful skin often begins inside and radiates outward. Women’s skin care differs from that of children and men, and among women, skin care even differs at various stages of life. Poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle choices and stress all contribute to the overall poor health of the skin. Facial skin is very thin and more sensitive to irritants and allergens then the rest of the body. Regular body care is essential for good health and well-being. However, frequent showers and bathing can deplete of body of its natural oils and upset your skin’s protective moisture barrier. The skin of the peach is useful in improving the complexion. Gently massage the inside of peach peelings on the face every night for a few minutes. Don’t rub off the moisture afterwards.
Natural Herbal Skin Care Tips
* The vitamins of the B group are important in producing beautiful skin.
* Get adequate rest and nutrition.
* Vitamin B1 aids skin health by helping to keep the circulation normal.
* Vitamin B2 or riboflavin deficiency can lead to brown pigmentation, or liver spots on the skin.
* Squeeze lemon juice in a bowl of iced water. Splash this over the face, massage for five minutes and then wash off with water.
* Mix half teaspoon of lime juice with one teaspoon of cucumber juice and a few drops of rose water. Apply on the face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes.
* Lime juice is an important natural aid for healthy skin.
* Mix a teaspoon of olive oil with an egg. Smoothen the face and neck with it. Let it remain till the skin gets dry.
* Grind rose petals and mix with cream on the top of milk and apply to your body. Shower after 10 minutes.
* Avoid pus and rashes, eat plenty of sprouts, alfalfa, barley, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries and figs.
* Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables - while avoiding oily and spicy food and go easy on sweets - that’s for those who have a smooth tooth.
* Mix a tablespoon of rice flour with 2 tablespoons curd. This is an effective cleansing milk which removes stale makeup and cleans open pores.
Posted by farahsza at 12:35 pm 0 comments
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Homemade Facials, What Is Best for Your Face?
Everyone knows that having a facial done at least four times a year can be amazing for your skin. Those beauty experts have the tools and the know-how to unclog your pores and exfoliate properly. The only thing is you are talking at least $60 dollars a visit.
If you can’t go to a fancy day spa due to lack of time why not pamper yourself at home with a homemade facial. It can be just as effective using real food you have around your kitchen. These can be such things like yogurt or cucumbers. Be careful if you have never used these items before on your face, you would hate to have a allergic reaction to it. If fact never used on your face any food item you are allergic to. It’s a known fact that if you are allergic to a food it will cause you to break out even if you did not eat it.
Whatever food you do use, you should test it on your inner arm before smearing it on your face. Then wait at least one hour to 24 hours before going ahead and trying it out on your face. It’s just to make sure that the spot doesn’t become red or irritated.
Give these four kitchen facials recipes a try, they can make you feel and look younger and you might be tempted to eat the leftovers! Because each of us has different types of skin, its best to try out a recipe geared towards your skin-type.
We all know that peaches and cream are amazing for your face but have you tried these recipes out before?
For all skin types:
Tropical Breeze Facial
1 Banana
1 Mango
1 Cup Crushed Pineapple
1 Tbs Olive Oil
Mix all 3 fruits together in a blender until it becomes a thick liquid. Apply it to your face avoiding your eyes. Wash off with warm water after three to five minutes. Pat face with cool water. Moisturize with olive oil.
Got dry skin, try this:
1~ Egg Yolk
1~ Tablespoon Honey
Mix them well and set aside
1~ Tablespoon Oatmeal
1~ Tablespoon Almond Meal
Mix those together and then mix that into the egg mixture. Add 1 tablespoon milk or yogurt.
Apply the mixture to your face and allow it to dry completely. About 20-30 minutes. Wash with a cloth soaked with warm water, rinse with warm then cool water. Pat dry, then apply your moisturizer.
For oily skin why not try this?
1~ Egg White
Beat the egg white till foamy. Then apply to your face especially to the T-zone. Leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, then cool water. Pat dry.
Got Blemishes? Then try these simple but very good homemade facials.
Mike and honey does your face good.
1~ Tablespoon Milk
1~ Tablespoon Honey (well documented for its drawing power)
1~ Egg
Mix everything together and let sit till warm temperature. Apply to your face at least 20 minutes or till hardened. Rinse your face thoroughly with warm water, then cool water. Pat dry.
Did you know that a tomato can help draw out blackheads naturally? Take one tomato and rub it on the affected areas. It helps restore acidity to your skin’s surface. Rinse and pat dry. Apply your moisturizer.
Take time to visit your kitchen for homemade facials and you will find your face feeling soft and smooth and younger looking starting today! Nature knows what is best for us, and it’s always going to be better for your skin to check out other recipes if needed. You can make most of what you need without the high price tags that comes with spa done facials.
Posted by farahsza at 12:18 pm 0 comments
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How to Make Homemade Skin Bleach
Each and every one of us faces skin problems. It is essential to get rid of these problems without any delay. It is best to prefer home remedies than going for cosmetics which will cause more damage in a long run. One of the common skin problem faced by many of us is skin darkening due to various reasons like acne, which results in melanin accumulation after healing of the pimple and exposure to sun for a very long time.
Regular application of sun screen lotion helps to protect the skin from harmful UV rays of the sun. In women, the hormonal disturbances seen at the time pregnancy causes dark pigmentation. However, pregnancy induced skin darkening generally gets back to normal after giving birth to the baby. But the pigmentation caused due to acne has to be treated without neglect. Skin bleach helps to reduce the extent of pigmentation and therefore gives a bright look to our skin. But this is not a permanent result. You have to keep applying the bleach once in a while.
Here are some simple ways to make a skin bleach right at your home:
• An ingredient that you need includes 2tbsp of ground oatmeal, 1tbsp of plain yogurt, 1tsp of olive oil and 2tsp of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until it forms a paste of required thickness. Now, apply it over to your skin and leave it for 15-30 minutes. Wash the bleach with water and apply a moisturizer.
• Orange is a highly nutritious fruit. The rich content of vitamin C present in the fruit helps to fight against diseases. Even the peel helps to improve the skin health. Dry the orange peel under the sun and make it into powder. Make it to a paste by mixing with milk. The paste can be applied to the skin.
• Mix of lemon juice, cucumber juice and little turmeric helps to maintain a healthy white skin. The antiseptic property of turmeric and lemon juice helps to heal any cuts caused due to acne or other reason very easily.
• Soak almonds overnight and make them into a paste by adding honey to it. This helps to give a new shine to the skin.
• A combination of coconut milk and pineapple juice also helps to whiten the skin.
Precautions to be taken to use skin bleach:
• Never apply it to over a large area if you are using it for the first time. Check how your skin responds by applying over in a small area. If you observe any redness or itching sensation discontinue using.
• Do not forget to apply over the neck region if you are applying the bleach to your face.
However, while using homemade skin bleach it is essential to be cautious during the preparation to maintain correct proportions. In addition to saving money, you can have control over the concentration of the preparations. If you notice that your skin is unable to take higher concentrations you can automatically make it to lower concentrations.
Posted by farahsza at 11:56 am 0 comments
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