Many people simply rely on exercise alone when attempting to lose fat and gain muscle tone, but by not following an effective fat burning diet they are slowing, or even preventing and real progress. Anybody wanting to get into top physical condition needs to follow a proper “fat burning” diet by choosing the right fat burning foods. In order to burn away fat cells in the stomach your diet must contain foods that help the body in eliminating fat cells.
What are Fat Burning Foods?
Fat burning foods are foods simply the different types of foods that will naturally assist the body in getting rid of its fat cells. These fat burning foods typically include plant foods containing cellulose that are low in calories but require energy for the body to digests it. There are plenty of foods with natural fat burning properties that are perfect for including in any fat loss or abdominal training program. Here are some great fat burning foods that should be included into your diet instead of foods that are high in fat or full of sugars:
Thursday, 15 October 2009
What Are the Best Fat Burning Foods?
Posted by farahsza at 12:45 pm 0 comments
Essential Oils Found in Green Materials
Grasses, trees and plants all contain powerful essential oils. Plant parts are distilled from all parts of the world. The distillation process results in a liquid which is used as an essential oil. When these oils are used for aromatherapy, alternative medicinal treatment is produced.
One of the most therapeutic essential oils is Chamomile. This oil has a very soothing effect for many of us who can become very nervous with day to day life. For an excellent night's sleep, chamomile will help.
Tea Tree oil originated in Australia and is used to help the body combat pesky skin fungus and rashes. Tea Tree Oil helps relieve sunburn, bee stings or any other type of burn.
Lavender has a bit more uses than Tea Tree Oil. While being very aromatic, Lavender is also very therapeutic. For a deep relaxation, Lavender is often put in baths. Interestingly enough, Lavender is also an anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and antibiotic. Tea Tree Oil is not the only essential oil used for burns. You can also use Lavender for burns, scrapes and cuts. It should never be poured on top of open wounds though.
Peppermint Oil has been found to be very aromatic. For pregnant women, it is used to treat morning sickness. There are few products available to help with nausea, but Peppermint is one of them. It can also be used in motion sickness.
Many people experience headaches and Eucalyptus is the essential oil for this problem. If you rub just a dab of this oil on the temples, the headache will disappear. This oil can also be held under the nose and directly inhaled for a faster result. During cold and flu season, it is wise to put this essential oil in a humidifier to aid in respiratory problems.
Citronella has many interesting uses. It can be used as an insect repellent as well as a treatment for head lice. You only need to mix this oil with water and spray on body, heads or carpets to treat lice and fleas. For a bug bite, rub a bit of Lavender on the bite or dab a little behind each ear to help deter bugs and insects.
Rose is helpful in the home. By putting a small drop in your washing machine or adding a couple drops to a dish cloth, you will help your house smell wonderful.
To help with physical and mental clarity, use can rub Rosemary on your skin. It helps with muscle aches and pains as well.
If you get athletes foot, jock itch or ringworm, try using Cinnamon as an antiviral. Make sure you buy Cinnamon oil, not Cassia.
To help with sleep, use Neroli oil. This oil helps induce sleep and relaxation.
None of these essential oils should ever be ingested. You should not use these oils on your skin without diluting them either. If essential oils are used correctly, they have many helpful issues. Also, these essential oils are very affordable. The cost is very much worth the price.
Posted by farahsza at 12:28 pm 0 comments