Scrubbing should be one of the foremost skin care routine. Day by day dead cells get deposited on the surface layer of the skin making the dull and lifeless. They also block the pores and hinder the penetration of the moisturizers that you may have been using.

However you may not know but some of the fruits and vegetables can also be used as very good scrubbers and they are completely natural. Here is the list of some natural scrubbers for your skin.
Melon seeds:
One of the most effective and easily available and cheap scrubber available in the household. The process is also very simple. Dry the seeds and then grind them using a mixer. That’s it. You can apply it all over the face and also on the body for a cheap body scrubbing which is equally effective.
They have high oil content as a result when they are used as scrubber they not only cleanse the skin but also moisturize the dry skin. Coarsely grind the nuts and then mix with milk or honey. Then apply on the face and leave on for 15 minutes. When the pack will start drying up then wash it off with slow round motion.
Rice Powder:
Another very good scrubber for the face and the body. Mix it with water or milk and then apply all over the face. Rub gently in clockwise and anti clock wise motion and wash off.
Remember never to scrub faces with pimples, rashes and other skin problems. It may aggravate the situation.
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