Beautiful Makeup Tip 1
It is better to use toner on your face first. Use of a good moisturizer is also a good option, as this helps in proper and better blending of foundation. This is where most of people do not put proper care and end up in a mess of things, as the foundation does not give desired results!
Beautiful Makeup Tip 2
Use your fingers for working the foundation on one area of your face. It is better if you are moving your fingers in circular motion, and after you have finished this finger-walk, you can use sponge for the final working of the foundation.
Beautiful Makeup Tip 3
It is advisable to use a translucent loose powder to set the makeup with the help of a soft brush. When you are using the brush, dust the makeup in downward motion.
Beautiful Makeup Tip 4

Beautiful Makeup Tip 5
If you want to provide more natural look, you can fend the brush after you have loaded it with the blusher to remove the extra blusher.
Beautiful Makeup Tip 6
It is better to opt for a colorless eye shadow as a base. Darker colors need to be applied on outer side of eye shapes, and if you have already used more than required, you can use translucent or colorless coating over the already made.
Beautiful Makeup Tip 7
Sometimes, people get carried away with the colors of their clothes and try to match the color of makeup with it. Mind you, this may not look beautiful, so, it is better to opt for colors that actually suit your complexion. Using mild colors can lend a rare beauty to your face.

Beautiful Makeup Tip 8
If you are using eyeliner to make your eyes attractive and talking, it should be applied close to base of eyelashes, so that it can make them look thicker.
If you follow these tips for your makeup, the possibility of finest outcome for your face is more and you will enjoy the place for which you have intended the makeup!
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