The American Dietetic Association recommends following the basic ABCs of good nutrition for you and your family’s health:
Aim for fitness.
Build a healthy base.
Choose sensibly.
Aim for fitness. Aim for your optimal weight and engage in daily physical activity. Dr. Robert Keith, Extension nutritionist, says regular physical activity not only helps you keep your weight down, it also helps keep you healthy.
"Exercise is very important because it’s been associated with a decrease in a number of problem diseases we see in society today, such as obesity, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes," Keith says.
Keith says most adults should engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least four to five times a week. Moderate exercise is anything that makes you breathe a little bit harder and break a sweat, he says. It includes brisk walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics, dancing or jogging. However, a more complete, well-balanced workout includes about 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, about 20-30 minutes of weight-bearing exercises, such as weight lifting, and about 10-15 minutes of stretching.
Build a healthy base. Use the food guide pyramid to help you get the right amount of vitamins, minerals, energy and other healthful substances your body needs from food each day. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of your meals, says Extension Nutritionist Dr. Barbara Struempler. "Whole-grain foods move food through your digestive tract and keep you regular," she says.
Whole-grain foods and some fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which usually means they have very few calories, she says. "They are bulky foods that give you a feeling of fullness without all the calories. And high-fiber foods have been associated with lower cancer risks, so there are a lot of merits to eating them," she says. "Look on ingredient labels for ‘whole wheat.’ Whole wheat has a lot more fiber than just plain wheat."
Make sure to eat a variety of foods every day, including enough beans and meats for protein and dairy products for calcium. Eat sweets and fats only occasionally.
Also remember to follow basic food safety practices, says Dr. Jean Weese, Extension food safety scientist. "Always wash your hands before you eat or prepare food. Always make sure you wash the food, cook the food and when in doubt, throw it out."
Keep raw meats and ready-to-serve foods separate from other foods in your refrigerator or freezer. Cook them at proper temperatures and refrigerate promptly after serving, she says. Don’t leave meat out of the refrigerator for more than two hours. If you pack a sandwich made with meat or cheese for lunch, put a thermos or freezer bag full of ice beside it to keep it cold. A few easy food safety practices can go a long way toward keeping you healthy.
Choose sensibly. Choose to eat a diet high in fruits, veggies, lean meats and whole grains, and low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Choose beverages and foods that are low in sugar; choose and prepare foods with less salt.
"I think you are what you eat," Struempler says. "Dietary factors are all very strongly linked to all the major diseases – heart disease, some of the cancers, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity."
Choose to be a smart eater. Read labels to see what you are eating. Make wise food choices so you get enough calcium and other nutrients your body needs. Choose herbs or spices instead of salt or margarine to season grilled or roasted meats, potatoes and salads.
Choose to make the ABCs of good nutrition and fitness part of your lifestyle. Aiming for fitness, building a healthy base and choosing foods sensibly will help you lose weight, get in shape and stay healthy.
Monday, 16 November 2009
ABCs of Good Nutrition
Posted by farahsza at 9:42 pm 0 comments
Amalkan Senaman!
Faedah-faedah bersenam
*Menjadi cergas
*Mengawal berat badan
*Membina stamina dan kekuatan
*Meningkatkan kelenturan sendi, gerakan badan dan mencegah kecederaan
*Menuatkan otot, tulang dan sendi
*Meningkatkan fungsi jantung, paru-paru dna peredaran darah
*Memperbaiki postur badan
*Menyerikan wajah dan meningkatkan ketrampilan diri
*Mengurangkan tekanan mental
*Melambatkan proses penuaan seperti osteoporosis di kalangan wanita menopos
*Meningkatkan interaksi dan hubungan kekeluargaan
Senaman bersama keluarga adalah menyeronokkan
*Libatkan ahli keluarga dan kawan-kawan bila melakukan senaman
*Ketahuilah bahawa terdapat pelbagai senaman, permainan dan sukan dimana anda dan keluarga boleh lakukan bersama seperti :-
*Berjalan kaki
*Lompat tali
*Bermain badminton
Pilihlah permainan atau sukan yang digemari dan menggembirakan semua ahli keluarga.
Tiada masa, tiada tempat untuk bersenam ?
Kebanyakkan kita terlalu sibuk untuk bersenam. Walaubagaimanapun kita masih boleh menikmati cara hidup sihat yang cergas dengan mengamalkan petua-petua berikut :-
Semasa perjalanan ke tempat kerja
*Sekiranya menggunakan lif, keluarlah 2 tingkat lebih awal dan seterusnya gunakan tangga.
*Turun MRT/bas satu perhentian lebih awal dan seterusnya ke pejabat.
*Sekiranya anda memandu ke pejabat, bersenamlah 15 minit sebelum ke pejabat.
Semasa di pejabat
*Lakukan senaman ringan atau rengangan selepas lama bekerja
*Lebihkan penggunaan tangga dan kurangkan pengunaan lif
*Lakukan senaman di waktu rehat semasa menghadiri mesyuarat panjang
*Libatkan rakan sekerja untuk sesi bersenam waktu rehat tengah hari
Semasa di rumah
*Lakukan rengangan atau senaman ringan semasa menonton televisyen
*Ikut serta anak-anak anda ke taman permainan dan bersenam selepas waktu bekerja
*Berkebun adalah sejenis aktiviti fizikal yang baik
Semasa membeli- belah
*Letakkan kereta jauh sedikit dari tempat membeli belah kerana berkalan kaki ke tempat tersebut merupakan satu bentuk senaman yang baik untuk anda.
Bersenamlah secara tetap sekurang-kurangnya tiga kali seminggu untuk 20 - 30 minit setiap kali.
Posted by farahsza at 9:27 pm 0 comments
Awet Muda - Selamanya...
Ingin kelihatan muda tanpa melakukan sebarang pembedahan? Semaklah 20 tips sihat di bawah ini…
Tentu kamu berasa sakit hati sekiranya ramai yang menyangka usia kamu sudah mencecah ke angka 28, sedangkan usia sebenar kamu baru sahaja 22 tahun. Namun, inilah hakikat yang perlu kamu tempuhi jika tidak menjaga pemakanan dan mengamalkan cara hidup yang sihat. Sebelum ia bertambah parah, apa kata kemu semak 20 tips penting gaya hidup siha yang boleh dijadikan panduan untuk kekal sihat dan muda remaja…
Tarik nafas dalam-dalam
Tarik nafas dan menghembuskannya semula dengan perlahan-lahan. Tujuannya, adalah untuk memberikan lebih bekalan oksigen masuk ke otak agar kamu tidak lagi berasa cepat letih atau tidak bermaya. Untuk mendapat kesan yang lebih baik, ketika menarik nafas pastikan hanya bahagian perut sahaja yang mengembang sementara bahagian dada berada dalam keadaan normal.
Cukup tidur
Tahukah kamu bahawa ketika tidur, beberapa kelenjar akan mengeluarakan hormon pertumbuhan yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Santai dan rileks
Perasaan tertekan dan kecewa hendaklah dijauhi! Ini kerana perasaan sebegini akan menyebabkan kadar gula di dalam darah akan mula meningkat, seterusnya menjadikan kulit kelihatan kusam dan tidak bermaya.
Ia bukan sahaja bagus untuk jantung, bahkan mampu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Jadi, lakukanlah 10-15 minit sehari.
Lindungi diri
Cahaya matahari bukan sahaja boleh menyebabkan kulit menjadi gelap, bahkan ia juga boleh mendatangkan kedutan pada wajah. Jadi, gunalah paying atau ‘sun block’ ketika melakukan sebarang aktiviti luar.
Hindari radikal bebas
Elakkan diri kamu dari terdedah dengan sebarang radikal bebas seperti asap kenderaan. Sebagai langkah keselamatan tutup hidung kamu dengang sapu tangan ketika berada di kawasan yang berbahaya!
Yakin boleh
Aduhai…sebanyak mana pun usaha, kesannya tidak akan berhasil sekiranya fikiran sentiasa negative dan tidak yakin dengan apa yang sedang dilakukan. Jadi, berubahlah! Usaha dan fikiran harus selari agar apa yang diinginkan akan tercapai.
Saat ketawa, tubuh akan mengeluarkan sejenis enzim yang boleh menyebabkan kita berasa lebih ileks dan tenang.
Selain mendatangkan kesan rileks, urutan juga mampu meredakan stress, melancarkan perjalanan darah dan menambah jumlah sel baik pada badan.
Diet seimbang
Kehilangan berat badan dalam masa yang singkat akan mempengaruhi keanjalan kulit sehingga menyebabkan kulit wajah nampak tidak berseri dan berkerut. Jadi, amalkanlah diet yang seimbang.
Jangan lupakan sarapan
Mengikut penyelidikan, sarapan yang diambil secara rutin akan dapat melawan tanda-tanda penuaan!
Seindah pelangi
Biasakan makan sayuran dan buah-buahan berwarna-warni! Semakin ‘berwarna isi piring’ kita, semakin banyak pula manfaatnya kepada tubuh.
Gunakan dental floss
Mengikut penyelidikan, proses membuang lebihan makanan yang tersangkut pada celah gigi boleh memanjangkan umur sehingga enam tahun lamanya.
Telefonlah orang tersayang
Hubungilah keluarga, teman atau kekasih saat kamu kesunyian. Ia bukan sahaja mendatangkan kesan bahagia, bahkan boleh mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim sesame kita.
Singkirkan rasa bersalah!
Timbul rasa bersalah setelah makan coklat sebelum tidur? Janganlah begitu…..makan sekali bukan beerti badan kamu akan terus gemuk. Jadi, rilekslah…Cuma selapas makan jangna lupa gosok gigi.
Senaman yang teratur
Seperti yang diketahui senaman boleh meningkatkan enzim antioksida yang boleh melambatkan proses penuaan. Namun, sekiranya ia dilakukan secara berlebihan, radikal bebas akan terbentuk lebih banyak sehingga menyebabkan kamu kelihatan lebih tua. Jadi sebagai alternative, berjalan kaki selama 30 minit sehari pun sudah memadai bagi kamu.
Cintai ikan laut
Ikan salmon, mackerel da sardine mempunyai kandungan minyak yang boleh merangsang otot! Hasilnya kulit nampak lebih bermaya dan segar.
Fikir positif
Berdasarkan penyelidikan, berfikiran positif akan membantu tubuh melawan penyakit dan melambatkan proses penuaan. Biarpun adakalanya kamu berasa tertekan, namun cuba kawal diri dan berfikirlah perkara-perkara positif yang boleh menggembirakan kamu.
Minyak zaitun
Gantikan minyak masak biasa dengan minyak zaitun! Selain bagus untuk kesihatan, ia juga baik untuk sistem pencernaan kerana ia mengandungi antioksida, vitamin A dan E.
Selain mneghilangkan sel kulit mati pada wajah, facial juga boleh melancarkan perjalanan darah di wajah. Hasilnya, wajah kelihatan muda, segar dan berseri.
Posted by farahsza at 9:10 pm 0 comments
Labels: info, kecantikan, tips
Friday, 23 October 2009
A Full Body Homemade Spa Treatment
This face pack has a real cool and pleasing effect on your skin. The cucumber acts as an anti-astringent, the oatmeal provides the necessary moisture and yogurt which contains a lot of lactic acid does the anti aging job. If your skin is sun burnt then you can also add some almond paste to this recipe, as it helps in lightening the skin tone.
Henna natural hair care product that has a deep conditioning effect on your hair. To make this pack, make some henna paste using henna powder and water, and when you have beaten it to a smooth consistency, mix in one egg white and 2tbsp. of olive oil into it. Spread it all over your hair, and keep it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
Apart from its conditioning properties, henna also has some astringent properties which help in cleaning off the oil buildup on the scalp. For best results, buy henna powder which is completely natural and does not contain any chemical additives.
Posted by farahsza at 12:54 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Stay Slim Forever
Every woman wants to stay slim and trim forever, but it’s definitely not an easy task and that is quite apparent from the number of obese women you can see all around.
Staying in shape is all about self control and discipline, and here are some pointers which tell you about where all this dedication and discipline is required.
Avoid overeating
And lastly, always remember that food is meant to satisfy hunger and it is in no way something that you can use to keep yourself busy.
Posted by farahsza at 12:21 pm 0 comments
How To Keep Your Brain In Good Shape

Here are some things that will help in keeping your memory, your ability to concentrate and your thinking in good shape even through the old age. Old age is usually where memory and thinking related problems evolve.
You know that exercise is the best way to keep your body in shape, and well the same exercise is good for your brain’s health as well. Exercising helps in improving the blood flow to the brain. And with more oxygen and nutrients reaching the brain cells, along with the blood, the brain cells will stay healthy. For keeping your body in shape may probably need to spend a lot many hours at the gym, but to improve blood flow to the brain even simple physical activities like walking, dancing or yoga may be able to deliver excellent results.
Feed your brain
Like the rest of your body, your brain too needs certain nutrients to keep functioning properly. To keep your brain in good health you must feast on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and on nuts and seeds. Besides containing the essential vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables also contain Phytochemicals, which are believed to support healthy brain activity. Omega-3 Fatty acids help in building the brain cell structure and in the proper functioning of the brain. Some of the best known brain foods are walnuts, salmon, COD liver oil, flaxseed seeds and all the dark colored fruits and vegetables.
Don’t let your brain rust
Just like any other machinery, if your brain isn’t put to use it begins to rust away. To prevent rusting of the brain you need to add such activities to your routine which will exercise your brain and which will make you think. For instance joining some classes to learn a new language or a new musical instrument will help to keep the brain active. Even simple things like filling up crosswords or Sudoku are excellent activities to keep your brain in good health.
Take a break
Leading a stressful life can also cause a lot of damage to your brain cells, so whenever you get a chance to de-stress make full use of it. Deep breathing and meditation are excellent ways to get rid of stress and to give your brain some rest.
Posted by farahsza at 12:15 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Some Easy And Quick Herbal Tips For Skin
Skin Cleanser:
Unboiled milk is a chemical free cleanser that can wipe out unseen dirt that lies deep within the pores. Use a cotton wool dipped in milk to clean your face. Almond oil is another effective cleanser that is especially helpful to protect the delicate skin that lies under your eyes.
Skin Moisturizer:
For taking care of normal skin, make a paste by mixing 1 cup of yogurt and 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and orange juice. Apply this mask on your face and let it stay for 15 minutes. Then, use a wet tissue to wash it off and have a glowing complexion. A mixture of honey and cooked oatmeal is ideal for dry skin as it acts both as a cleanser and a moisturizer.
Skin Nourishment and Bleach:
Use a protein mask by soaking 4 almonds and a tablespoon of urad dal in water during the night followed by grinding them to get a paste. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.
Wrinkle Prevention and Softer Skin:
Pure castor oil has anti aging properties and can be used to prevent wrinkles.
Skin Conditioner:
Mix 2 tablespoons cream (of milk) with 1 tablespoon of honey to get an effective skin conditioner. Leave this mixture for some minutes and then wash it off for getting maximum benefit.
Skin Blemishes:
Rub a raw potato on your face to get rid of blemishes.
Sun-Protection Lotion:
For protecting your skin from the sun, take some amount of cucumber juice and mix it with equal quantities of rose water and glycerine. Keep this mixture in a refrigerator. Apply it at least half an hour before going out in the scorching heat.
Posted by farahsza at 5:10 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Facial Massage Keeps You Young
You are proud of your face. The beauty of your facial skin seems irresistible to others. Still you need a good and periodical facial massage to maintain and improve the tone and glow of your facial skin.
Think of a facial skin free from wrinkles and crow’s foot. Surely, a facial beauty draws attraction and builds your confidence a lot. If you are conscious about beauty and skincare, you must take necessary steps to keep your facial skin supple and glowing in the same way you nurture other parts of your body.
A good facial massage not only tones your face but also let your facial muscles relax and stimulate the blood vessels so that blood circulation improves in that region. You will personally feel relaxed and calm while and after your face is massaged properly. Also, you will increase chances of keeping wrinkles away from your face.
Posted by farahsza at 4:58 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Facial Exercises: A Completely Natural Face Toning Method
To keep your body well toned and in good shape, you might have joined a gym or may be you follow an exercise program at home. And you obviously know how important exercise is to keep your muscles toned and your contours shapely.
But what about your face? Are regular facials and the application of cosmetics enough to keep your skin glowing and to guard against aging?
Well, in case you haven’t heard about it, there are special exercises for the face that will help in strengthening and toning the face muscles and these are known as isometrics.
How these facial exercises help?
Like most other exercises, the basic objective of facial exercise is to strengthen the facial muscles and to melt down the fat deposits. And when there are no fat deposits under your facial skin and your facial muscles are well toned, it will lend a smoother definition to your face.
With a regular face exercises you will not experience any sagging of the facial skin, and may also be able to keep wrinkles at bay even when you’ve crossed the sixties mark. Facial exercises also help in giving a glowing complexion to your skin, by improving blood circulation and removing the toxins.
Gravity isn’t kind to our facial skin, and it is constantly exerting a downward pressure on the skin which makes the skin to sag and the wrinkles to appear on your face.
Also there are several other reasons which can lead to weakening of the underlying support structure of the skin, thus leading to formation of wrinkles and the sagging of the skin. And, exercising your facial muscles regularly is the best way to keep your facial skin smooth and toned.
There are special facial exercises for every part of the face. For instance, there are facial exercises which can be used to do away with the problem of puffy eyes. With these specific exercises the lymph glands around the eyes will get drained of the excessive lymph stored in them, which cause the eye bags to puff out.
Facial exercises aren’t very time consuming and the best part is that this face care routine doesn’t cost you any money. And they are definitely more rewarding than any other facial treatment.
Posted by farahsza at 4:51 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Natural Homemade Scrubbers

Posted by farahsza at 4:45 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Herbal Cleansing Solution
Herbs and herbal treatments have gained popularity throughout the world because they are highly effective and unlike the chemical therapies they have absolutely no side effect. Most of the cosmetic in the market today promote themselves by calling them herbal.
Herbal water:
To make a simple herbal cleanse you have to first make the herbal water and then the oil. To make the herbal water you have to take the leaves or flowers of your favourite herbs. For cleansing action take the flowers of chamomile, plantain, nettles, lovage, parsley, lavender, rosemary, jasmine etc. To make an astringent solution which can tone the face you can take these important things for cleansing, like lemon, mint, sage, pansy, winter green etc.
Take water and then bring it to boil on low heat. Add the flowers and the leaves and then boil for 3 more minutes. Strain it and then keep it in freeze in a tight container.
Herbal Oil:
To make the herbal oil heat beeswax and lanolin in a double boiler. Add fruit or vegetable oil like almond, soya or avocado oil. When the solution melts completely and gets mixed then remove from the heat. Now add the herbal water prepared previously and cooled in the freezer in the ratio of 2:1.
The Final Tough:
Your herbal solution is ready. Wash off your face with this solution do not use any soap. If you have very oily skin then wash off with an astringent or soap.
Posted by farahsza at 4:37 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Papaya And Peach For Healthy Skin

The mixture can be mixed with some lemon juice and also some ripe mashed papaya. When you have a thick rich paste of the mixture, you have to apply the same to the face and keep for some time. It can be washed off with some rose water and then left to dry.

Some products are bottled up and labeled as natural products but these are best when home made. It is easier made straight out of kitchen. You can have it and apply it to get the required hydration and softening that works deep within.
Posted by farahsza at 4:31 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Homemade Hair Masks
A great hair does wonders for you and your self-regard. Taking care of hair is in fact much the same as taking care of skin. Yogurt hair mask is a improve hair beat 1 egg white until foamy. Add to 6 tablespoons plain natural yogurt. Apply to hair in small sections at a time. Leave in for 15 minutes.
If you want smooth soft and shiny hair. Put a few tablespoons of olive oil(my fav) or anykind of vegetable hair oil into a bowl. Place it in the microwave to heat it until it is warm,not hot. Then rub the oil all over your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes the minimum. Then wash your hair thoroughly and apply some conditioner and leave it to dry naturally. If you need egg & olive oil hair mask. Mix two whole eggs with four tablespoons of olive oil. Smooth through hair. Enwrap head with plastic wrap, and leave in hair for 10 minutes.

Massage on hair in small sections. Wrap head with shower cap for 30 minutes. Wash and shampoo. This is a good treatment for keeping split ends away. If your hair damage daily apply a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil and massage into hair. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Wash lightly with soda water and then shampoo and condition. For split hair apply oil your hair two times a week with coconut oil mixed with fresh lime juice.
Posted by farahsza at 4:19 pm 0 comments
Labels: kecantikan, tips
Increase Your Energy Today and Tomorrow
The stuffy office and the never-ending to-do list can squash your can-do attitude. Taking a walk is a simple way to refresh both your body and your mind. As a long-term solution to the daily fatigue is regular exercise. Moving about, getting your heart rate up, and challenging your strength will actually increase your energy. Fitness activities will also increase your overall stamina, making your work life easier.
Drink More Water and Less Coffee
Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, try drinking more water. Being even slightly dehydrated can make you feel sluggish. Sipping on a cup of ice water is bound to perk you up. While reaching for a cup of joe is sure to give you some pep, it might just keep you up at night. A troubled night's sleep sets you up for feeling tired the next day, repeating the cycle of tiredness.
Eat Magnesium Now and Breakfast Daily
For a quick energy fix grab a handful of almonds or hazelnuts — both are high in magnesium. This mineral is essential for breaking down glucose to manufacture energy. Nuts make for great power snacks at the 3 p.m. slump. To bolster your energy in the future, make sure to eat breakfast, since it revs up your metabolism and fuels your body as well as your brain. Make sure that your breakfast is high in whole grains, which are also high in the mineral magnesium. Go for oatmeal with toasted hazelnuts for a double dose of magnesium.
Take a Power Nap, Create a Sleep Schedule
If you are simply exhausted, take a power nap. Dozing for 20 to 60 minutes significantly eases the tiredness that accompanies brain overload. For the future, set a sleep schedule. Sleeping seven to nine hours a night is crucial for your long-term health and is considered normal. Living with a sleep deficit can set you up for many health problems down the road, including high blood pressure and weight gain.
Breathe Now and Learn to Meditate
Stress and anger will deplete your energy. They weigh you down and exhaust you. As your energy wanes in the afternoon, or you can feel your anxiety zapping your reserves, take a moment to breathe deeply. Bringing oxygen to the brain can help clear the mental cobwebs. In the long term, it is highly beneficial to lean how to mange your stress and anger levels. Practicing meditation is a great way to get a handle on those negative emotions.
Posted by farahsza at 1:03 pm 0 comments
5 Ingredients For a Healthier Salad
A salad has got to be the world's perfect meal since it's low in calories, extremely filling because of all the fiber, and so nutritious because of the variety of veggies. Since there are endless ingredients you can add to change up the flavor, you can have a different salad every day of the week and your taste buds will never get bored. Here are some ingredients to make this healthy meal even better.
The darker the greens, the more nutritious they are, so start off with spinach, romaine, or mesclun greens for the base of your salad. Not only do dark greens make your salad healthier, they also add a more robust flavor.
Lean Protein
Veggies aren't chock full of protein, so to make your salad more well-rounded, add some lean protein. Grilled chicken or salmon, baked tofu, beans, or a hard-boiled egg are excellent choices. They satiate your hunger longer than if you ate the veggies alone.
Fresh Fruit
Apples and pears are commonly added to salads, but other fruits taste great with veggies as well. Experiment with sliced grapes, blueberries, strawberries, melon, or bits of orange or grapefruit. The sweetness adds a little unexpected zing, so you may even be able to skip out on the dressing. Plus fruits add extra fiber and vitamins, and they're lower in calories than dried fruit.
Nuts or Seeds
Sprinkle on some nuts like walnuts, sliced almonds, or pecans, or some seeds like sunflower, pumpkin, or flax seed for even more protein and fiber. Since they tend to be high in calories, just add about a tablespoon. Remember that although nuts are high in fat, it's the healthy fat your body needs. Plus the crunchy texture will make your salad much more exciting.
Avocado Slices
Avocado has a bad reputation since it's high in calories, but this creamy fruit is also high in oleic acid, a healthy fat that may help lower cholesterol. Avocados are also high in potassium, vitamin K, and fiber. Just like nuts, don't overdo and just slice up a quarter of one in your salad. It adds 80 calories, 244 mg of potassium, 3.4 grams of fiber, and one gram of protein.
Posted by farahsza at 12:42 pm 0 comments
Thursday, 15 October 2009
What Are the Best Fat Burning Foods?
Many people simply rely on exercise alone when attempting to lose fat and gain muscle tone, but by not following an effective fat burning diet they are slowing, or even preventing and real progress. Anybody wanting to get into top physical condition needs to follow a proper “fat burning” diet by choosing the right fat burning foods. In order to burn away fat cells in the stomach your diet must contain foods that help the body in eliminating fat cells.
What are Fat Burning Foods?
Fat burning foods are foods simply the different types of foods that will naturally assist the body in getting rid of its fat cells. These fat burning foods typically include plant foods containing cellulose that are low in calories but require energy for the body to digests it. There are plenty of foods with natural fat burning properties that are perfect for including in any fat loss or abdominal training program. Here are some great fat burning foods that should be included into your diet instead of foods that are high in fat or full of sugars:
Posted by farahsza at 12:45 pm 0 comments
Essential Oils Found in Green Materials
Grasses, trees and plants all contain powerful essential oils. Plant parts are distilled from all parts of the world. The distillation process results in a liquid which is used as an essential oil. When these oils are used for aromatherapy, alternative medicinal treatment is produced.
One of the most therapeutic essential oils is Chamomile. This oil has a very soothing effect for many of us who can become very nervous with day to day life. For an excellent night's sleep, chamomile will help.
Tea Tree oil originated in Australia and is used to help the body combat pesky skin fungus and rashes. Tea Tree Oil helps relieve sunburn, bee stings or any other type of burn.
Lavender has a bit more uses than Tea Tree Oil. While being very aromatic, Lavender is also very therapeutic. For a deep relaxation, Lavender is often put in baths. Interestingly enough, Lavender is also an anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and antibiotic. Tea Tree Oil is not the only essential oil used for burns. You can also use Lavender for burns, scrapes and cuts. It should never be poured on top of open wounds though.
Peppermint Oil has been found to be very aromatic. For pregnant women, it is used to treat morning sickness. There are few products available to help with nausea, but Peppermint is one of them. It can also be used in motion sickness.
Many people experience headaches and Eucalyptus is the essential oil for this problem. If you rub just a dab of this oil on the temples, the headache will disappear. This oil can also be held under the nose and directly inhaled for a faster result. During cold and flu season, it is wise to put this essential oil in a humidifier to aid in respiratory problems.
Citronella has many interesting uses. It can be used as an insect repellent as well as a treatment for head lice. You only need to mix this oil with water and spray on body, heads or carpets to treat lice and fleas. For a bug bite, rub a bit of Lavender on the bite or dab a little behind each ear to help deter bugs and insects.
Rose is helpful in the home. By putting a small drop in your washing machine or adding a couple drops to a dish cloth, you will help your house smell wonderful.
To help with physical and mental clarity, use can rub Rosemary on your skin. It helps with muscle aches and pains as well.
If you get athletes foot, jock itch or ringworm, try using Cinnamon as an antiviral. Make sure you buy Cinnamon oil, not Cassia.
To help with sleep, use Neroli oil. This oil helps induce sleep and relaxation.
None of these essential oils should ever be ingested. You should not use these oils on your skin without diluting them either. If essential oils are used correctly, they have many helpful issues. Also, these essential oils are very affordable. The cost is very much worth the price.
Posted by farahsza at 12:28 pm 0 comments
Monday, 7 September 2009
Di Sebalik Warna Beras
Jika selama ini anda berpendapat bahawa beras perang adalah satu-satunya alternatif bagi menggantikan beras putih demi menjaga kesihatan, maka sudah tiba masanya utk anda mengubah pendapat tersebut. Sebenarnya, masih banyak lagi perkara tentang beras yg perlu kita tahu. Warna-warna beras, misalnya bukan hanya hidangan, malah ia juga membekalkan nutrisi yg baik utk kita semua.
Utk kesihatan: Ia mempunyai lebih daripada dua kali ganda zat besi berbanding beras perang. Ia juga mengandungi zink dan kalsium, selain phytonutrients seperti phenolics yg mempunyai fungsi anti oksidan.
Cadangan penyediaan: Gantikan beras putih atau beras perang dengan beras merah dalam resipi masakan kerana khasiat yg anda perolehi sangat banyak.
Utk kesihatan: Ia mengandungi zat besi yg tinggi dan merupakan sumber terbaik protein. Ia juga mengandungi anthocyanins yg terbukti tidak mudah terbakar dan fungsi melindungi diri daripada penyakit jantung serta kanser.
Cadangan penyediaan: Beras ungu sedikit melekit boleh digunakan untuk menyediakan puding nasi kerana rasa manis yg ada padanya.
Utk kesihatan: Ia kaya dengan serat iaitu hampir dua kali ganda berbanding beras perang atau merah. Selain itu, beras hitam juga mengandungi zat besi, protein dan tidak mudah terbakar.
Cadangan penyediaan: Teksturnya yg padat dan rasa kekacang yg ada padanya menjadikan ia sesuai dimakan bersama tuna panggang.
Posted by farahsza at 9:37 pm 0 comments
Aneka Khasiat Kacang
Aneka kekacang yg dijadikan ramuan kek, mufin mahupun biskut raya bukan hanya sedap dimakan. sebaliknya, kekacang ini memiliki khasiat tersendiri terhadap kesihatan manusia.
Kacang pecan yg dicincang lazimnya digunakan sebagai campuran kek atau biskut selain enak ditaburkan di atas aiskrim. Seperti macadamia, pecan juga memiliki 70 peratus lemak sihat, 70 peratus asam lemak oleat (Omega 9) dan 26 peratus asam lemak linoleat (Omega 6). Kajian Universiti Loma Linda, Amerika mendapati kacang pecan dapat menurunkan kadar lemak di dalam darah. Selain itu, pecan juga mampu memperbaiki sistem saraf. Kandungan vitamin E dan antioksidan yg terdapat di dalamnya sangat berguna utk memperbaiki sel-sel rosak bagi pesakit jantung.
Terbagi kepada tiga jenis iaitu Persian walnut, Black walnut dan Butter nut, walnut digelar sebagai longevity fruit kerana dapat membantu memanjangkan usia. Pengambilan segenggam walnut setiap hari dapat membantu mencegah serangan penyakit jantung kerana kandungan lemak sihat linolenat (Omega 3) dan kandungan protein yg terkandung di dalamnya. Di dalam walnut juga terkandung magnesium, tembaga dan asam ellagat, sejenis flavonoid yg dapat mencegah pertumbuhan sel-sel kanser. Manakala fitosterol berperanan sebagai pelindung jantung, menguatkan paru-paru dan ginjal. Sedangkan kandungan serat yg tinggi membantu fungsi usus besar.
Merupakan makanan kaum bangsawan zaman Romawi kuno, kacang pistachio kaya dengan zat besi, folat, kalium, asam pantotenat, niasin, riboflavin dan zing. Pengambilan 50 biji kacang pistachio akan membekalkan sepuluh peratus keperluan serat, vitamin B6, tiamin, magnesium dan fosforus. Kacang berwarna hijau ini juga mengandungi banyak fitoterol yg dapat menurunkan risiko terkena penyakit jantung serta beberapa jenis kanser. Selain itu, pistachio juga merupakan sumber unggul utk menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL), meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL) di dalam tubuh manusia, melindungi usus serta menguatkan hati dan ginjal.
Posted by farahsza at 9:10 pm 0 comments
Labels: info
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Syoknya Kekacang!
Menurut laporan Kajian Kesihatan dan Pemeriksaan Kebangsaan (NHANES) dari tahun 1999 hingga 2002, individu yg mengambil kekacang di dlm menu harian akan lebih mudah utk mengurangkan berat badan serta mengecilkan saiz ukuran pinggang berbanding mereka yg tidak megambil hidangan berkenaan.
Sangat tinggi kandungan protein dan tentunya asid amino juga. 100 gm kacang dhal mengandungi 26 gm protein. Bagaimanapun, ia masih kekurangan dua asid amino penting yg lain iaitu 'isoleucine' dan 'lysine'. Jadi, bagi melengkapkan kandungan keduanya, anda perlu menikmatinya dgn beras perang atau makanan tinggi gandum seperti capati. Kacang dhal juga seharusnya menjadi pilihan individu yg 'vegetarian' kerana satu hidangannya mengandungi kira-kira 60 peratus kandungan zat besi dari jumlah keperluan harian.
Isoflovan soya dipercayai dpt membantu mempertingkatkan kesihatan payudara dan rahim di samping membantu memperkuatkan tulang seterusnya mencegah osteoporosis. Kandungan lesitin di dlm soya pula membantu melancarkan aliran darah, menyahtoksin bahan buangan dlm sel-sel, membantu mempertingkatkan fungsi ginjal, jantung dan hati serta membantu melambatkan proses penuaan kulit.
Kandungan seratnya yg tinggi membantu mengawal pemakanan selain membantu menyalurkan karbohidrat bagi mereka yg mempunyai masalah insulin atau diabetes. Kacang kuda popular dinikmati rebus. 100 gm kacang kuda rebus mengandungi 164 kalori, 2.6 gm lemak (hanya 0.27 gm lemak tepu), 7.6 gm serat diet dan 8.9 gm protein. Bagaimanapun bagi mengekalkan khasiatnya, tidak perlu ditabur garam sewaktu merebusnya.
Posted by farahsza at 5:06 pm 0 comments
Labels: info
Kenali Gejala Keputihan
Keputihan yg normal boleh berlaku pada beberapa hari sebelum tiba haid, ketika keghairahan seks, kehamilan dan klimakterik atau selepas menopaus. Begitu juga sebelum tiba haid dan ketika hamil atau berlaku perubahan paras hormon yg meningkat. Semua ini menyebabkan banyak keputihan atau cecair jernih yg melekit keluar dari faraj. Tanda-tanda keputihan yg berpenyakit termasuklah pertukaran warna dari jernih, putih ke kuning atau kehijauan atau berdarah.

Langkah-Langkah Pengawalan
Walaupun masalah keputihan yg anda alami tidak terlalu serius, namun kebersihan diri haruslah diutamakan utk diri sendiri di samping memulihkan masalah ini.
* Basuh tangan sebelum dan selepas menyentuh alat kelamin.
* Penggunaan pencuci vagina boleh dilakukan utk memastiakn kebersihan sekitar vagina. Bagaimanapun, penggunakan yg terlalu kerap tidak disyorkan kerana ia boleh membunuh 'bakteria baik' yg sedia ada di vagina anda. 'Douching' tidak digalakkan semasa mengandung kerana ditakuti udara boleh masuk ke dlm sistem badan melalui vagina. Ini nyata meninggalkan kesan yg buruk.
* Pengaliran udara di bahagian sulit dapat dikekalkan dgn penggunaan pakaian dari kain kapas yg selesa serta pakaian yg tidak terlalu ketat.
* Ambil probiotik setiap hari. Ia boleh didapati di dlm yogurt atau tablet/kapsul yg dijual di farmasi. Pengambilan bawang putih juga turut membantu.
* Kurangkan pengambilan gula dan karbohidrat yg diproses. Oleh itu makanan seperti mi, roti, kek dan sebagainya haruslah dikurangkan.
Air Kosong Ubati Keputihan
Selain cara traditional dan rawatan moden, kaedah semulajadi tetap berkesan mengubati keputihan. Minum air dgn jumlah yg banyak dan mencukupi 8 gelas setiap hari mampu merawat keputihan. Kandungan jumlah air yg mencukupi dpt menstabilkan hormon dgn baik. Pakailah 'pantyliner' utk rasa lebih selesa.
Posted by farahsza at 4:00 pm 0 comments